Beta Sign-Ups

Feb 17, 2015 01:13

Wanting to help out or participate in the Rogues Big Bang but not able to write or art?
Already writing or creating art but itching to do more?
Interested in being a point of support and encouragement for your fellow fans?

You can do so by signing up as a beta or cheerleader!

If you're interested, use the form below to sign up! Post the form here in the comments below.

Beta or Cheerleader?:
Willing to beta for: (Fic/Art/Both)
Strengths: (Grammar, characterization, plot flow etc.)
How may we contact you?

To authors and artists looking for betas or cheerleaders, please be polite and courteous when asking for help. Remember that they are there to help you but they are also not obligated to do so.

!mod post: sign ups, .target: beta

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