Supernatural - 115 - Tall Tales

Feb 18, 2007 22:42

*Laughs* Ahem… yeah. The review, *giggles*, it’s behind the cut. *Breathes*. Okay, this episode is still cracking me up, but I’ll stay calm, the review is behind the cut.
I've included pictures, this episode deserved pictures.

The recap was great, every little bitchy moment rolled into one neat little package, and it let us know we were in for something other than angst in this episode.

Was it just me or was the opening longer than usual? I liked the little shout-out to the Pilot with the girl in the white dress. The second she showed up I knew the guy was going to die, and why. When they started making out I was expecting her to suck the life out of him like Rogue (X-Men) or Inca Mummy Girl (Buffy), and that was before she turned all gross.   But, you know, chucking the cheating bastard out the window works too.

I loved the first scene with the boys; there was so obviously some tension between them; Dean doing the teenager thing of turning the volume up when Sam asks him to turn it down. I was very curious about what had happened to the computer and Impala though. I was more worried about the Impala, because it’s the IMPALA! Whatever Dean was eating looked kind of yucky, but he sure was enjoying it.

There’s a knock at the door and in walks Bobby! Yay! And I was just saying I’d like to see Bobby more often. I really liked that they had called him to help out on this job.

I loved the flashbacks, the different views reminded me a lot of one of the few ‘The X Files’ episodes I’ve actually watched and enjoyed; “Bad Blood.” It’s so funny to see how differently they view the various situations they’re in, and each other.

It starts out pretty innocently with Sam talking to the college kids, but once he goes to fill in Dean on what he’s found out the funny begins.

Dean: You have to give those purple nurples a shot... phew!

Purple nurple? Who comes up with the names for these drinks!?

Haha, Sam a little extra exited about getting some wok done, and Dean is being a total horn-dog hanging out with a sleazy drunk chick. I love both their facial expression, Dean is so happy, and Sam just wants to get out of there, lol.

Dean: Woah, woah, woah, woah... hold on a minute!!
Sam: What?
Dean: C'mon dude, that's not how it happened!
Sam: No? So you never drank a purple nurple?
Dean: Yeah maybe that, but I don't say things like feisty little wildcat and her name wasn't Starla.
Sam: Then what was it?
Dean: (pauses) I don't know... but she was a classy chick. She was a grad student. Anthropology and folklore. We were talking about ghost stories.

The look on Bobby’s face when the guys were discussing this was great, he seemed surprised at their bickering.

Bar babe: My god, you are attractive.
Dean: Thanks, but no time for that now. You need to tell me about this urban legend. Please! Lives are at stake.
Bar Babe: Sorry, I can't even concentrate. It's like staring into the sun…
[They kiss. Sam walks up behind them.]
Sam: Dean, what do you think you're doing?
Dean: Sam, please, if you wouldn't mind, just give me five minutes here.
Sam: Dean, this is a very serious investigation. We don't have time for any of your blah blah blah. Blah blahblahblahblah blah. Blah blah!

LMAO! Okay, Dean I love you, but you are not that smooth. Lol, that was cheesy, but I loved it, and the girl basically said what most Dean-fangirls are thinking. What made this scene great however was Dean's version of Sam; with the bitchiest, prissiest tone of voice ever, so spoiled-teenage-girl. I was just too funny.

Bobby: You're bickering like an old married couple.
Dean: No, see, married couples can get divorced. Me and him? We're like Siamese twins.
Sam: It's conjoined twins.
Dean: See what I mean?

I love that Bobby asked, that he was worried about them. Awww.

Back to the flashbacks, and we get new costumes! Yay! Okay, just jackets, but I’m still happeh.

The janitor looked so tiny next to the boys, kind of funny.

Sammy’s telling the story, so it’s Dean’s turn to look silly. *Giggles* Sam seemed a little too enthusiastic when the janitor told them the professor had gone out the window. He was doing his best to act surprised by the news.
Dean discovers candy! I suspect it was caramels for some reason, anyway, he proceeds to stuff his face while Sam gets the info, and am left laughing and wondering how many of those things he can stuff into his mouth! And when he tries talking with all that in his mouth, there had to have been a ton of gag-reel material left over from shooting that scene. *Wants season 2 DVD*

It was a nice nod to the quiche scene in ‘ Provenance’ though.

Back at the hotel of the week, Sammy attempts to do some research on the laptop, but he gets a nice surprise from his brother instead. It’s frozen on

Sam: Dude... were you on my computer?
Sam: Oh really? Cuz its frozen now, on
(Dean walks away)
Sam: Dean!! Would you just please... don't touch my stuff anymore, okay!?!
Dean: Why don't you control your OCD?


Lol! And Dean’s been giving Sam a hard time about surfing the net for porn. Well, I guess since Sam didn’t let him have some fun with Starla, he had to do the next best thing.

Poor Bobby seems so confused by everything, and it’s not like the following story is going to clear things up much.  Aliens! My first thought was pretty much what the fuck? And I was kind of happy to see Bobby agreed with me.

Sam and Dean find Curtis in the bar, chugging down alcohol. He tells them what happened to him:
Curtis: They did tests on me, and, um, (chug) they probed me.
Dean: They probed you?
Curtis: Yeah, they probed me. Again and again and again and (chug) and again and again and again and then one more time.
Dean: Yikes.
Curtis: And that's not even the worst of it.
Dean: How could it get any worse? Some alien made you his bitch!
Curtis: They… they made me…slow dance!

ROTFLMAO! Slow dancing aliens! “Lady in Red”! *Dies* Seriously the best abduction story in history! That happy little sigh from the dancing alien topped the whole thing. I loved it. *Laughs*

The looks the boys share while he’s talking are great too, not sure whether to feel sorry for the guy or start laughing.

Sam: I'm telling you, Dean, this is made by some kind of jet engine.
Dean: Oh... what do you mean? Like some saucer-shaped jet engine?
Sam: Well, what else can it be?
Dean: What the hell?!
Sam: I don't know.
Dean: Well seriously dude, what the hell?!
Sam: I don't know!! I mean first The Haunting, now this? They tie alone. There's gotta be some sort of connection here.
Dean: What? You mean between the angry spirit and uh... the sexed up ET? What could the connection possibly be?

I hated the cut between this and the following scene. We got Dean’s voice which was nice, but I felt like the editor had to cheat a little here.

Sam: Look, man, I know this all has to be so hard.
Frat guy: Not so much.
Sam [deploying his puppy-dog eyes] But I want you to know… I'm here for you. You brave little soldier. I acknowledge your pain. Come here! [Sam envelopes the frat guy in a bear hug] You're too precious for this world!
[Back in the real world]

Sam: I never said that!
Dean: You always say pansy stuff like that.

ROTFLMAO!!! This one nearly killed me. Too funny! That poor frat guy looked like he was disappearing in Sam’s giant Sasquatch hug. It was such a perfect parody of how Sam usually is with the people they question

They did manage to get some info out of the guy though, so that was good. I loved at the end that Dean had to comfort Sam, though he does it in his typical hand-on-shoulder Dean way.

I think it was a good catch by Dean finding the connection between the victims. It was a simple connection, but it was there. They were both ‘dicks’. I love how he goes on about the punishment they got was poetic, or more like a limerick. While Sam is frantically looking for his computer.

Sam blows up at Dean
Sam: Dude, You know something? I put up with a lot from you.
Dean: What are you talking a bout? I'm a joy to be around.
Sam: Yeah, your dirty socks in the sink? Your food in the fridge?
Dean: What's wrong with my food?
Sam: It's not food anymore, Dean, it's Darwinism!

Dean: I like it.

I am very curious what Dean’s food looks like right now.

Sam has to be really pissed to threaten Dean’s baby! And Dean snaps in to protective mode, hurt the Impala and you get hurt, the rules are that simple.

I love how Bobby tries to find out if Dean did take the computer, and that he makes the stop when they Dean and Sam start arguing about it.

So the boys discovered a third victim, who was also a dick, and find out he was eaten by an alligator. Ewww, did the alligator leave the guy’s brain? Was that what that blobby thing was?

Sam: Maybe we should get some help. I'll call Bobby, maybe he's run into something like this before.
Dean: Oh, I'm sure he has. Just your typical haunted campus, alien abduction, alligator in the sewer gig. Yeah, simple.

I liked that the boys checked the sewers anyway while they were waiting for Bobby, better to make sure they didn’t miss anything.

Oh, I would have been so pissed if I were Dean and found my car like that. My car isn’t as nice as his, but still. I knew it couldn’t have been Sam, because if he had done it, he wouldn’t have left any evidence behind.

I loved Dean’s little… noise when Sam asked what he was funny. Haha, aww, Impala!Love runs deep. I loved the scene, why oh, why was the little fight cut short? It was such a great sibling moment: I loved it.

Bobby puts an end to the arguing like the non-present Papa. Aww. *Squishes Bobby*
It’s so funny when Bobby explains to the boys that they’re dealing with a Trickster and that they were the biggest clue. This is probably the first time I’ve been clueless up until the point when the writers wanted me to know what was going on, which was very nice. Thought that probably had something to do with the boys being clueless too. J

Hee J Bobby mentioned, Loki, or Loke as we call him. Any links to Norway or Scandinavia gets a gold star from me. J

Go Dean for figuring out who the Trickster was.

Lol, the guy is reading Weekly World News for inspiration! Too good. Not so surprising to learn he liked candy, and half naked women though, maybe he needs to be knocked down a peg too.

And he brags about the sex when the boys come back to investigate, lol. Sammy leaved Dean and the Janitor and searches Janitor’s locker, but only finds copies of his inspirational tabloid.

It was pretty obvious that the fight the boys had was staged, or at least I thought so, but have to admit I kind of had doubts when Dean went back into the building alone and it took so long for his backup to arrive.

Barry White, another artist I never would have expected to hear anything from in this show. But the setup was great, the Trickster basically serving up one of Dean’s fantasies, urging him to have some fun. Lol.  Looked like Dean had a really hard time turning it down.

The Trickster doesn’t want trouble; he just wants to move on to the next town. But Dean has rules to follow, people have died, the Trickster has to pay. I do love that Dean gives him credit for his ideas.

Sam and Bobby come to help out our boy, but are sidetracked by chainsaw wielding maniacs and the bimbos. Dean probably got the best fight though, he couldn’t have been too unhappy landing face first in cleavage. Lol.

It was a good end fight though, and Dean gets to deal out the justice in the end by stabbing… staking the Trickster.
 I did like the look Bobby and Sam gave Dean when Dean said the Trickster had style.

Time to leave, best not be caught at the scene of another murder.

Sam, Dean and Bobby flee the scene of the staking. Sam opens the door but doesn't get in the car. Instead, he leans on the roof and stares emotionally at Dean.
Sam: Look, Dean, um, I just wanna say, that I'm, um... [Silence. Dean swallows]

Dean: Hey, me too.
[The guys gaze at each other across the roof, eyes full of emotion, looking for all the world like they're going to break into a long conversation about their feelings and inner children and such. Bobby pops up and stares at them, aghast.]
Bobby: You guys are breaking my heart. Can we please just leave?

Lol, awww, boys. Have they ever actually said the word sorry to each other? I loved Bobby cutting in too; he was pretty anxious to get out of there.

I wasn’t surprised that the Trickster wasn’t dead, the guy wasn’t stupid, and the fight was won a bit too easy. I do think we’ll see him again at some point, but not necessarily anytime soon.

As you should have guessed by now I absolutely loved this episode, without a doubt the funniest one so far in the series. I laughed so hard.
My only complaint is that it was maybe a weird choice to follow last weeks episode, but then again the season thus far has been high-adrenaline all the way so it was nice with a little change of pace.

Now we have to wait a month till the next episode. L
I hate hiatuses, but on the up side this might give me half a chance to get caught up on some of my other shows. 

jensen ackles, tv, bobby, sam winchester, x-men, rogue, buffy, pilot, jared padalecki, dean winchester, supernatural

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