Supernatural - 214 - Born Under A Bad Sign

Feb 15, 2007 20:08

 Took me a while to get to see this episode, thus the review is late, but still has the essentials. ;)
Take it as a recap before tonight’s episode.

Loved the first scene, how it was cut, and the urgency of what was going on. Dean desperately looking for Sam: then finally getting a call from him.

I also very much liked the scene of Sam just sitting on the bed, his shirt soaked in blood and Dean at once very worried that his little brother has injured himself.

When Sam said he didn’t remember anything I was worried his destiny was kicking in.

Dean: (to Sam) You checked in two days ago under the name Richard Sambora. Of course, I think the scariest part about this whole thing is that you're a Bon Jovi fan.

Sam: Dean.

Dean: The room's been quiet; nobody's noticed anything unusual.
Sam: You mean no one saw me walking around covered in blood.
Dean: Mmm-yeah, that's what I mean.

For once I caught the music-reference, lol. Still funny. I have to admit I’m very curious about what Sam’s music taste really is. I suspect it’s not to far from Dean’s, but maybe just a little more up to date.

Dean: Oh please tell me you didn't steal this.

Oh, the car. I can just picture Sam driving around in that thing, lol.

Dean: Okay... Now this is disturbing. (Lifts up carton of cigarettes, Sam stares in shock) C'mon, man, this couldn't have been you, it had to be someone else, someone who.. uhh.. (Smells cigarettes) ...smokes menthols.

I can’t picture Sam smoking… or Jared for that matter. I can’t really picture any of them smoking.. eh.. okay, back on track.

When Sam found the big knife in the back of the car all I could think was ‘Wow, that was a cool knife!’ Yeah, I’m weird. I do still wonder why they insist on touching bloody weapons with their bare hands. They need to start buying latex gloves or put their fingertips on a hot iron.

(after arriving at a gas station)
Dean: All right, receipt's for 10 gallons at pump number 2. Getting any goosebumps yet? "God this looks familiar déjà vu" vibes?

I loved the scene in the store. Lol. ‘This guy?’ Haha. That was so great, because I was thinking exactly what Dean was saying; ‘This guy??’ I would have love to have seen it though, Sam on a crazy drunken bender.

Dean: What's going on with you Sam? hmmm? Smokin... throwin' bottles at people... sounds more like me than you.

Lol, would have loved to see Dean do that too. Okay, that would require flashbacks… I think, which I would love.

The boys finding that dead hunter, awww. Dean looked more broken up about the murder than Sam. But we know why now, so… I feel for both boys when it comes to the whole destiny thing, but this is tearing Dean apart on so many levels. It breaks my heart. Dean smashing that computer, desperate to remove any evidence of Sam doing something wrong, removing any evidence that Sam’s destiny might be a reality.

Dean: You never told me this.
Sam: I didn’t want to scare you.
Dean: Well, bang up job on that.

When Sam was talking about his feeling of rage, that’s when I felt something was up. I had been spoiled for this episode, but I didn’t know the ‘how’, so this is when I started suspecting for real. If Sam started having feelings like that I’m pretty sure he’d tell Dean as soon as possible, and have Dean tie him up or something. I don’t think Sam would be taking any chances with all this right now, he knows what’s at stake.

Dean: (holding gun) You know, I've tried so hard to keep you safe.
Sam: I know.
Dean: I can't. I'd rather die.

Dean! Poor Dean! *cries*

There’s no way in hell he’ll hurt Sam, no matter what happens. When he said that he’d rather die than hurt him, my heart broke. Not that surprising really, Dean breaks my heart in every episode. Damn Jensen and his top-notch acting!

When Dean refused to kill Sam and moved away from him I was just waiting for Sam to hit him over the head. It looked like it hurt like hell when he did it.

Haha, the couple needing the room, Dean was so judging them, which just made it even funnier.

Dean: (talking on the phone) Hi, so sorry to bother you but, my son snuck out of the house last night and went to a Justin Timberlake concert.. What?.. uhhh yeah.. Justin's quite the triple threat.

Justin Timberlake! Justin Timberlake got a nod on Supernatural! :o

It was damn funny though, the thought of Sam running away to go to a Justin concert! Just to funny! Lol!

And thus it’s the return of Jo. I actually liked the scene with her and Sam a lot. She’d apprehensive from the beginning, and Sam is doing his best to warm her up.

Jo: (Looking at Sam's burn) That looks like it hurts.
Sam: Nah, just had a run in with a hot stove.

When Sam starts mocking her about how Dean doesn’t have feelings for her. He says what I’ve been thinking; that the boys view her more like a little sister as opposed to a love interest.

When he attacked her. Okay, it weird, but I like evil!Sam. Many people have commented saying that they thought he was going to rape her. The thought crossed my mind, but then I remembered that this was the CW, and it wouldn’t really serve the storyline in anyway, so…

Sam: (in a sing-song voice) My Daddy shot your Daddy in the head.

It was a good scene; Sam tying up Jo, taunting her, telling her the truth about John and her father. I suspect that was the truth; if it was it didn’t really sound like you could blame John for Bill’s death. If anything he chose the lesser of two evils when he shot Bill. Is it bad that I giggled because Sam sang that line?

Dean comes to save the day. The look on his face when Sam is begging Dean to shoot him: poor man. He’d let Sam hurt Jo rather than killing Sam! This is when I finally knew how I feel about Jo, up until this point I’ve been undecided. The thought that crossed my mind is that I wouldn’t have felt much if Sam had killed Jo. I don’t really care about her at all. I don’t hate her, I don’t like her, I just don’t care either way.

When Dean sprayed Sam with holy water, I knew it was coming, Dean ain’t stupid. When Jo asked if Sam had been possessed all I could think was ‘Well, duh, you stupid bitch.’  I would have thought she’d figured that out when he attacked her.

The following scene where Dean and Sam are running around inside the warehouse, for some reason it reminded me of the pent-house shootout in ‘Face/Off’. I kept waiting for Sam to say; ‘let’s just kill each other.’ Needless to say I liked that scene, and the one that followed where Dean is shoot. I actually thought evil!Sam missed him, that Dean just flung himself off the pier. I blame the movies for that.

When Jo finds him and it turns out he actually had a bullet in his shoulder I was kind of happy because the writers hadn’t chosen to take that route.

I liked the following scene where Jo is digging the bullet out of Dean’s arm. Partly because there was more Dean!Skin, yes I am that shallow, and partly because it was so old-school with him drinking alcohol to numb the pain.

Dean: I'll call you later.
(Dean leaves)
Jo: No, you won't.

That’s right! He won’t!

I was so happy to see Bobby again! I really like him, I was however worried about what evil!Sam was planning to do to him. That was until Bobby handed him the beer bottle.

Bobby: Don't try and con a con man.

I love Bobby! Bobby rocks! Bobby is tha man!  Hee ^-^

He should get more screen time; I honestly like him a lot more than the roadhouse gang. He’s like the friendly uncle that’ll help them out no matter what.

Sam: Dean, back from the dead. Getting to be a regular thing for you, isn't it? Like a cockroach.
Dean: How bout I smack that smartass right out of your mouth?
Sam: Oh, careful now...wouldn't want to bruise this fine packaging.

I loved how the scene with Sam tied to the chair so perfectly mimicked the Meg exorcism scene from Devil’s Trap.

Dean: Feel like talking now?
Sam: Sam's still my meat-puppet, I'll make him bite off his tongue.

The similarity to the Meg exorcism scene is even more perfect considering it is Meg that’s back for revenge.

I loved this scene so much, we’re set for a good old-fashioned exorcism, but there’s a twist, wonderfully done. I liked Sam’s evil laugh; that was damn good. Jared should be allowed to play a total psycho sometime.

When the lock on his arm is discovered my first thought was to burn him there as a way of destroying the lock.

Sam: You know when people wanna describe the worst possible thing? They say it's like hell. (punches Dean) Well, there's a reason for that. Hell is like, ah... (punch) Well, it's like hell. Even for demons. (punch) It's a prison made of bone, and flesh and blood and fear. (punch) And you sent me back there.
Dean: Meg.
Sam: No. Not any more. Now I'm Sam. (punch) By the way, saw your Dad there, he says "Howdy."

It looked so painful when Dean was slammed against the wall, and when Meg!Sam was punching him. He really took a serious beating in this episode, both physically and psychologically.

Go Bobby for saving the day, because it looked like Dean was about two seconds away from loosing it.

I loved Sam waking up, too funny, he was so wonderfully confused. Dean punching him couldn’t really have helped his confusion much, but Dean really needed that.

I liked when Bobby asked them about the dead hunter, even thought he knew what had happened, and Dean denies it, when Bobby gives his subtle warning about not telling anybody the truth. Seriously, I adore Bobby!

Bobby: Here, take these.
Sam: What are they?
Bobby: Charms. They'll fend off possession. That demon's still out there. This'll stop it from getting back up in ya.
Dean: That sounds vaguely dirty, but er, thanks.

Okay, I am very tempted to call him Uncle Bobby from now on. I love that he wants to help the boys, and does so without demanding anything in return. He doesn’t have to; he knows they’d be there to help him in a second if he just asked.

However the final look on Bobby’s face as they left worried me a bit. Though I do suspect that look was more worry for what the boys are facing than anything else. I am kind of paranoid for the boys at this point.

I enjoyed the scene in the car. Dean trying to joke a little and Sam telling him about the things he remembers from being possessed. Sam pushing Dean about his promise again. I loved it when Dean said he would do anything to save Sam, and that if it was the last thing he did that he would save Sam. So wonderful.

(Dean chuckles to himself)
Sam: What?
Dean: Nothing.
Sam: Dean, what?
Dean: Dude, you… you like full-on had a girl inside you for like a whole week. That’s pretty naughty.

I loved that they ended this episode with a joke like that. It had been a very high-adrenaline episode, so this was a great way to end it.

I had been spoiled quite a bit for this episode, but did my best to try and forget what I knew. I know nothing about any of the coming episodes, except a title or two and I would love to keep it that way. J

jensen ackles, bobby, sam winchester, devil's trap, jared padalecki, justin timberlake, face/off, dean winchester, jo, supernatural, john winchester, meg, born under a bad sign

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