Oct 31, 2006 10:40
before any rumors start: it was a cooking liquid that may have had alcoholic content but only before it was cooked out. it was more fun before jordan started talking. everyone stayed decent. i really wanted to sing along with the movie. we weren't reeeaaallllyyy cuddling, but we were on or around the bed. jordan did not use the saw. we did not watch jenifer, but jordan brought it. kevin did come as a cowboy. for a while we thought jordan was a serial killer. fish is a real boy, and yes he rode on top of the buget truck but that was earlier. jordan prayed, we think, but that was before he started talking. and once again, EVERYONE STAYED DECENT.
also, please tell me i am not the only one who knows what flies thru the lunesta comercials.
i know this makes no sense, but it will soon, and i want my take on it to be out there before the incriminating rumors start flying.
if you really need an explanation, call me.