2012! shit fuck stack

Sep 04, 2011 13:45

I know. We are all sick of hearing this shit aren't we? None the less it is part of a culture we live in now. So many shows and papers devoted to the topic. Now we have prophecies just fantastically and conveniently showing up before the great date approaching. We have Nostradamus, the Mayans, the Hopi legends, biblical bull on a shit turd and then so much more.
Well, now we have NASA with some tasty tid bits of information to digest. 2014, or whichever new date they claim as we catch up to what we don't know. Solar flare storm with billions of dollars in repairs to follow the damages caused internationally, not to mention years of chaos and social insanity with the collapse of our oh so important technology. Goddess forbid we can't text or twitter the low down of such events!!! (As I rant online).


Now I am not entirely clear on the Hopi legends of the end of mankind/beginning of a new age, but it does involve a blue star


appearing in the sky as the first sing of the beginning of events.


Feb, 2012, a new guest in the solar system. Just another strange coincidence fueling our already devoted paranoia.

Well, all I can say is shit be fucked up, and we can only take every second to each day step one and two and three at a time. If it all ends it does, doesn't, it doesn't. Personally, I'm going to spend 2012 Solstice on a beach by the equator where it is "supposed" to be safer.

Don't forget about Gobekli Tepe. How fortunate to discover the oldest and most puzzling remnants of human civilization -during a time when we were supposed to still be in the caves- only being discovered now!!!

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