Road To Nowhere

Aug 15, 2012 18:50

► This week I'm expecting two parcels from China and one from the US, but delivery is starting to look doubtful. Each day this week the city has blocked off the entrance to our one-block dead-end road by parking a backhoe and 2 city trucks across the opening as early as 7:30am. I guess it's to do some work on the water system, but I haven't heard of seen them do anything yet. With the road blocked this means that the postal delivery truck cannot turn down the street meaning no parcels.

I'm hoping that the parcels will be small enough that the mailman might delivery them, or that the city works will see fit to grant us the ability to get out of the road without having to cut through the back alley around the grocery store on the other side of the block.

The Oatmeal: Help me raise money to buy Nikola Tesla's old laboratory - Use the land that was once Nikola Tesla's laboratory to build a museum devoted to one of the greatest scientific minds in history... or raze it and build another mall. Hmmm...

9gag: Which Emma Would You Choose? - Well that's just cruel.

9gag: Awesome CD Collections - Not the most apt of titles, it's a bunch of collages of CDs arranged to resemble legendary rockstars.

9gag: Someone’s an angry virgin, am I right? - Sure sounds like it. He's right in that someone has entitlement issues, but it's not who he thinks.

Fashionably Geek: The Amazing Iron Fett Helmet For Make-A-Wish - Why not, I guess.

EW Inside TV: 'Torchwood' star John Barrowman joins CW's 'Arrow' -- EXCLUSIVE - They've changed the name of Star City of the comics to "Starling City"? That seems pretty arbitrary. But then, I still don't understand why they'd go from a trademarked and marketable name like Green Arrow to a genetic non-trademarkable name like Arrow.

CBR: Director Joe Carnahan Releases His "Daredevil" Sizzle Reel - Joe Carnahan had been negotiating with Fox to make a new Daredevil film but it just fell through. Since the movie is dead, Carnahan released this, the "sizzle reel" that he edited together from older movies and scans of comics. The purpose of the reel was to show the mood and style of the movie he intended to make and I think it's a pretty cool, very stylish mock trailer. That said, there's simply no way the studio nor Marvel would have agreed to make an NC-17 superhero movie. It's just too violent and limits box office chances.

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Quote of the Moment

Jack Donaghy: You'll never be a Silver Panther.
Liz Lemon: I don't care! I'll start my own group. Rejection from society is what created the X-men!
- 30 Rock (2006 - )

Drinking: Canada Dry Ginger Ale
Eating: extra strength ibuprofen

charity, history, trailers, city, superheroes, art, science, sexism, musicians, technology, videos, mail, cds, star wars, 9gag, feminism, apartment, assholes, douche bags, tv shows, emma watson, iron man, daredevil

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