► For the past few days I've had an unusual sore throat. Normally a sore throat means itchy and scratchy pain, but this time I don't have that. Instead the pain feels more like a crushing pain, as if someone is digging their fingers into the sides of my windpipe. I haven't been able to tell if this is a physical pain caused by eating something that was stuck in my throat, or a symptom of a cold bug. That is until I started having multiple sneezing fits throughout today. I guess this means I am fighting a bug.
► After going nuts through February and March designing roughly 5 dozen villains for my main superheroine
Rogues Gallery, I stopped cold and haven't worked on any since. Finally, this week, I've resumed the dastardly deed and am finally working on more of my villain ideas. I only have a couple finished, but I'm hoping to get on a role and work out more of the ridiculously long list of villain ideas I have scribbled onto a stack of loose scraps of paper.
While creating several dozen villains might seem excessive, I've the mindset that I'm trying to fill out the ranks as if Utopia was a real published superhero who had been in comics for 60 to 70 years. That means a heck of a lot of scrubs and (hopefully) some gems.
I want to wait until I get some of my remaining high priority ideas finished before I share what I have on here.
SuperheroHype: Batman and Superman Set to Appear in LEGO Movie - From the article:Though not officially signed on, the filmmakers are circling
Channing Tatum for
Superman and
Will Arnett for
This whole project is just weird.
DeviantART: The Kessel Run by oldredjalopy - Cute, I like it.
That's Nerdalicious: The Princess Bride Pint Glass - I think I'd want a set.
DeviantART: The Avengers Dinner Party by kevinbolk - This is very cute, although I think
Captain America looks a little pudgy.
Daily Mirror: "We were teenage Nazis... then we discovered marijuana": Amazing change of heart for Sieg Heil twin sisters - So there's that. Not so surprising the girls' new-found world and cultural view is still fairly naive.
Tumblr: Escher Girls - Basically a blog that chastises comic book artists for drawing oddly proportioned and posed women. Looking through a few of the entries, pettiness seems to be the call of order. Some of these examples are less about anatomical issues and more about bitching about artistic style and using "unrealistic women" as an excuse. You don't like an artist's style? Get over it.
Classic: The Smoke Means Nothing -
Spider-Man, not the most observant of heroes.
see more
Superheroes Quote of the Moment
Dwan: Did you ever meet anyone before whose life was saved by "Deep Throat"?
- King Kong (1976)
Drinking: water
Watching: Bewitched: Season 6 (DVD set);