Foolish Panic

Apr 01, 2012 22:34

► I had a bit of a scare this morning. Around 10:30am I went to glance outside our front door and an envelop fell out of the door frame onto the floor. I picked it up and saw it was addressed to Dean and myself, and that it said it was from the landlord's company. That triggered a sudden panic attack as I kept imagining eviction notices, fueled by the manic incident a few weeks ago where Dean was convinced we had somehow pissed off the landlord. Not surprisingly the letter inside was not an eviction notice, but rather a 90 day advance notice for a rent increase in July. So no worries there, although I kept shaking for another 10 minutes.

Our last rent increase was two years ago, when the rent went up by $4 a month, so it was more than a little surprising to find this new increase is for $24 a month. It looks like I'll have to visit my disability pension caseworker sometime soon with copies of the notice. No rush though, it's still three months away.

► Dad is officially back! I was expecting him to call tonight but instead he dropped by around 4:00pm to visit us, bearing gifts of sweatshirts and Pecan Logs. He looked good, albeit very tan, and it was nice to see him after almost 2 months. We confirmed that he will be taking me to my therapist appointment on Thursday (along with a few other stops), so I guess I'll be ending me 2 month shut-in spiel soon. It'll probably do me a lot of good.

His return will be brief, however, as he and his girlfriend will be leaving April 14th for two weeks on a trip to Italy. Moss isn't growing under his feet.

Retronaut: ‘Man’s Life’ Magazine, 1950s - Man's Life definitely had the manliest covers in magazine history. Someone should make posters of those covers.

My favourites from this crop:

Sean E Avery Sculpture - Animal sculptures made from shards of broken CDs. I think these are really very clever, although I suppose you have to be careful picking them up.

9gag: BBC News: The Earth Has Exploded, Killing Everyone - Well that's a shame, but I guess I don't have to worry about that rent increase now.

I wanted to link to the BBC News' actual page for the article but it seems it was taken down quickly so this screen capture will have to do. Either way, the best April Fool's Day news post this year.

Chevy Chase and Dan Harmon’s Bitter Community Feud Leaks Online - Can't we all just get along? I love Community and would hate to see it implode, especially since the chances of it getting a fourth season are up in the air right now. Still there will be other shows.

Regarding this "feud", Dan Harmon does sound like a bit of a dick too.

Lindsay Lohan's Changing Face: 25 Years in 60 seconds morph - Kinda turns into a horror movie 3 quarters of the way through. Drugs and alcohol are bad, people.

image Click to view

Quote of the Moment

Jack: There is nothing gay about the Princeton fight song. "Oh, the merry men of Princeton are charging up the rear, holding all the balls..." Okay, I hear it now.
- 30 Rock (2006 - )

Drinking: water
Last Read: Showcase Presents: House of Mystery, Vol 3 (TPB);
Last Watched: Champagne for Caesar (1950; Late-Night TV, missed first half);

money, 1960s, lindsay lohan, world, sitcoms, magazines, art, family, pension stuff, videos, 1950s, worries, cds, 9gag, news, drugs are bad, apartment, feuds, pulp fiction, cheesecake, animals, tv shows, aging

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