► Today ended up being a shockingly stressful day when it absolutely had no reason to be.
Since it's been almost a week and a half since I called the landlord and asked for a rent receipt for 2011 so I can file my taxes, I worked up the courage and called around 1:00pm today. There was no answer but I left a polite message explaining the purpose of the call. Around 5:00pm someone buzzed the apartment, Dean was home from work, but I answered. I went out to the landing and it was the landlord. I walked down toward him and he handed me the receipt. I thanked him, he turned and walked down stairs and I turned and walked to my door, he said something to me but I didn't make it out and simply thanked him again.
I didn't think anything of it until I got back inside the apartment Dean started asking me "was he mad?" and "how did he look?" I said that he was expressionless/blank, and didn't look mad or angry or even happy. This upset her and she started railing at me for bothering him when she had apparently told me to wait until Dad got home at the end of the month. Suddenly she jumped to us pissing him off about the rent receipt after the water heater problem last weekend and him evicting us over it.
I had mentioned that he said something when he left but that I didn't hear or know what he said, and suddenly that made everything even worse. Her flipping out triggered my nerves and I suddenly started worrying about having offended or pissed him off and getting evicted too. I kept saying us being evicted over my asking for a receipt was just illogical and idiotic since he had no problems with it when I talked to him on the phone earlier this month, nor when he gave us receipts this time last year.
Thinking about it I started pointing out more likely things he might have said to me, when he left and realized that the receipt he wrote was not just in my name for my half of the rent, but in both of our names for the full amount. I said that it must have been that which he said to me, and Deana accepted that as the most likely and logical answer, and conceded that she had overreacted and jumped to conclusions because she's been sick with a really bad cold lately.
After Dean left to go to her boyfriend's place for the evening, Dad called me returning a message I had left for him earlier (he's still in Myrtle Beach until March 31st). I told Dad about everything that had happened today, just so that he was aware, and he told me not to worry, and to tell Deana not to worry either. As he said we've been the landlord's best tenants for almost 4 years here, twice as long as anyone else in the building. The other three apartments have had incredibly turn over while we have been quiet and kept to ourselves and not bothered or complained. We didn't even complain when we moved in and found the apartment was a disgusting mess which the bathroom covered in cigarette ash, the shower caked in mud and gunk, and the kitchen cupboards filled with empty beer bottles (and that's just some of the problems). He said that everything is probably fine and not to worry.
So I'm going to try not to worry.
► All day I was feeling a lot better than I have the past week, with only minimal dizziness. That is until a little after 9:00pm when I finished eating supper and came back to the computer. I suddenly felt very shaky and unsteady, and quickly got dizzy and nauseated. After a few minutes I realized I had a very bad pressure pain in the top of my head. This made me start panicking, which I think made the pain and dizziness worse.
In a case like this the wise thing would be to immediately go to the hospital. That's complicated if you're an agoraphobic with panic disorder who just ate and can't go out unless he fasts the day before, and is dependent of his sister to drive him but she needs to go to bed soon because she can't afford to miss work. I talked to Dean and she agreed to take me to the hospital on Saturday if I still felt as bad, and I started debating trying to walk the few blocks to the nearby clinic tomorrow morning. Even the vaguest notion of a plan reassured me.
Dean suggested that all of this could just be my body reacting to being cooped up in the apartment for a month without going outside. So, based on her suggestion, I opened my window to let the cool breeze in. After a while I started feeling better. Not going out, watching less TV and DVDs, laying down less... I've been spending more time in the past month on the computer, crouched and hunched up on top of my hard wooden stool, with my head craned down and forward and my neck bent awkwardly as I've spent most of these last several weeks working on my Micro Hero character designs. Could this be why I've been having vertigo? Could it all be from aches in my neck?
That question made me finally aware that my neck, back and shoulders are really achy. Seriously... could that have been the cause all along? It would explain why I don't have the vertigo sensations when laying down.
DC Comics Solicitations for June, 2012 - Looks like
DC Comics' ingenious solution for dealing with
the controversy over the poorly received new costume for
Power Girl is to make her costume look even less like Power Girl.
"You don't like that? Haha! Choke on this!"
Our Valued Customers: While discussing the JOHN CARTER movie... - I still want to see it.
Quote of the Moment
Melville Crump: Why can't you have a little confidence in me?
- It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963)
Drinking: water
Watching: David Mitchell's SoapBox (YouTube series)