► So far so good. I've been a bit unsteady all day, but I haven't had any really bad dizzy spells. Still, after around 3 weeks of vertigo I can't help but wonder if this might continue for quite a bit longer, if not become a permanently chronic condition for me.
If it does, would I need to get a cane to help steady me when I'm out? Where does one get a decent looking cane? Am I simply over-thinking this? Given I still have a little over a week and a half until my next planned outing, that's probably plenty of time for me to get back to normal.
I do kinda want a cane though.
► In all the hustle and bustle (well what little there was) of Saturday's hospital visit, I forgot to mention that I won a second commission auction from artist
Rantz on Ebay.
A week ago I mentioned that he had listed several rough figure sketches on the site and that you could bid on a rough sketch and if you won who would finish the drawing as the character of your choice with ink and colours.
Well last week (as I mentioned before) I won his lone male figure sketch and asked for it to be finished as
Superman. On Saturday, just before I left for the hospital, I found I had won one of his female figure roughs. The reason I had bid on the sketch was that I thought it would be perfect as my own gal
Utopia (she even has a hair bun already!). I sent him a message with my selection and
links to several Utopia references, and I was pleased when I got home later that night to find he was perfectly fine with drawing not just Utopia, but the necessary "full bush". If he objected to either I would have probably just asked for a non-nude of
Ms. Marvel or
Power Girl (some artists love drawing nudity but freak out at the thought of female pubic hair).
Here are the two rough sketches as I won them (he said he would send me scans of the finished drawings before he mailed them, which I hope is soon-ish):
The Scale of the Universe 2 - If I wasn't already dizzy this would be dizzying.
Kung Fu Sisters Organize Combat Tournament to Find Suitors - To paraphrase a friend, the world continues to sound more and more like the movies.
Top 10 Best Melee Weapons For Killing Zombies - I think they over estimate the practicality of a few of these weapons. The
Bloodrayne forearm machette? Really? I think the average person would have trouble wielding a sledgehammer. They should have included a good old fashioned trench club.
'Two and a Half Men' Enlists Kathy Bates as Ghost of Charlie Harper - Well now, that's some creative casting.
SupermanHomepage March 18, 2012: Only Five 75-Second "Super Best Friends Forever" Episodes - Oh, I thought this was a new cartoon series, not just shorts. That's a shame.
SupermanHomepage March 17, 2012: The Mythology of Superman's Costume in "Man of Steel" - So
Krypton is officially being re-imagined as "neo-medival". I keep getting the impression they're determined to turn it into
Asgard as seen in last year's
Thor movie.
TVkids.ws Q&A: Stan Lee - From the interview:TV KIDS: What was your approach to creating some of characteristics of these classic superheroes?
LEE: Basically, if you’ve read my stories you know I’m very scientific minded. For example, I didn’t just have Spider-Man gain a spider power miraculously, I did it as scientifically as possible-he was bitten by a radioactive spider. It could have happened to anybody. When the Hulk became the Hulk, it just didn’t happen casually-there was a gamma-ray bomb that exploded. If you ask me what a gamma ray is, I would have no idea at all, but it sounds very scientific, I think. The Fantastic Four, they gained their powers from cosmic rays, of which I know as little as I do gamma rays, but they sound impressive. At that point I ran out of rays, so when I had to do the X-Men, I took the cowardly way out, I said, well they’re just born that way, that’s all. They’re mutants. That got me off the hook there.
I can give you a very clear and definite understanding as to why I and the people at POW! and at Marvel are so much more scientific than the competition. Here’s the example: You’ve seen Superman flying on the screen, haven’t you? What is his means of propulsion? What makes him fly? He doesn’t have a jet engine, there’s nothing pushing him, he just sort of assumes a horizontal position, lies on the air and off he goes. When I wanted a character to fly, such as the Silver Surfer, I gave him a flying surfboard-perfectly scientific, perfectly understandable, and not the least bit as frustrating as wondering how Superman does it. So as you can see, science is really something I’m very much into and every factor of our stories is as scientifically accurate as I can make them.
Stan, a
flying surfboard is completely scientifically believable and sound. This is all just magic wrapped up in pseudo-scienc-y psychobabble, and that's stretching it. Using a scientific term you heard on the news that you don't understand as a stand in for magic is not the same thing as scientific accuracy or plausibility. All your characters fly "just because".
Oh, and
Superman flies do to force of will, manifesting as
limited telekinesis (or, in some theories, possessing his own limited gravimetric field). Basically, "just because."
I don't think Stan Lee knows what science actually is.
"Premakes" The Avengers (1952) - This is a fun mock trailer for an imagined '50s Avengers movie.
Click to view
Quote of the Moment
Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
- The Princess Bride (1987)
Drinking: water
Eating: crunchy peanut butter on whole wheat toast