Suddenly Snow, Suddenly Gone

Nov 24, 2011 08:41

► Yesterday we had the first snow of the season. It wasn't light flurries, but a rather a heavy snowfall that blanketed everything outside in half a foot of cold cotton, snowing from early in the morning until late at night. Actually, the visibility outside was almost nil all morning long as there was also a heavy fog. I found it quite impressive how quickly we went from autumn to winter.

And then it was gone. It was warmer and fairly sunny today and now almost all of the snow is gone. All that's left is small embankments at the ends of streets caused by the plows (I heard them drive by several times, and one clearing our apartment parking lot).

I guess it's back to dreary November grey.

► Still really nervous about going out tomorrow after a couple of weeks without leaving the apartment, but I'm going to try to push myself. I can not let myself fall deeper into this, and need to do this. Although it'd be easier to steady myself if I didn't feel so nauseous and queasy all day (think something I ate last night disagreed with me).

► I'm not surprised that I was sniped and lost that Superman art page on Ebay yesterday. But I am surprised that I only lost it by $9. How it didn't go for more than $100 is beyond me.

Ah well, maybe someday I'll own a published Superman page.

9gag: Oh hai! - Frightening moth is frightening. And terrifying.

J.J. Abrams Confirms Benicio Del Toro's 'Star Trek 2' Interest - Please, not Khan. Give us something new.

National Geographic Behind the Lens: Photograph or Painting? - That's simply a beautiful photo.

Prepare to Have Your Mind Blown & Worship These New 'Prometheus' Images! - Some interesting looking pictures and sets. While I know the media keeps pushing it as such, I'm not really thinking of this movie as a "prequel" to Alien, and keep thinking of it more as a stand alone sci-fi movie. It seems like that's Ridley Scott's intent, and it's probably for the better.

Marvel Comics Solicitations for February, 2012 - A few things that caught my eye:► AVENGERS ACADEMY #25 & #26 - Dig that cover (by Rodin Esquejo) with Giant-Man wrasslin' a Tyrannosaurus Rex! Now that's comic book awesomeness right there!

THE TWELVE #9 (OF 12) - Finally? After a 3 year hiatus? I still have issues 1-8 of the series in a box somewhere. Not sure if I'm going to bother to have the series re-added to my pull list or just wait for the inevitable tradepaperback collection. Is anyone going to notice the series is back?

KICK-ASS 2 #7 (OF 7) - "The Motherfucker" and "The Toxic Mega Cunts"? Mark Millar really does write his comics like a series of profanity strew Mad Libs with occasional anal rape references, doesn't he? I'm still not convinced Millar isn't permanently 13. And an idiot.
► I don't want to know what he means.

Quote of the Moment

The Wizard: The ashes were trampled into the Earth, and the blood became as snow. Who knows what they came for... weapons of steel, or murder? It was never known, for their leader rode to the south, while the children went north with the Vanir. No one would ever know that my lord's people had lived at all. His was a tale of sorrow.
- Conan the Barbarian (1982)

sci fi, sequels, marvel comics, superman, world, funny pictures, ebay, dinosaurs, magazines, science, star trek, twilight, harry potter, language, sick, nature, 9gag, awesome, insects, movies, casting, creepy, nerves, apartment, comic books, idiots, giant man, weather, avengers, mark millar

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