OOC: 100 Things About Wedge (halfway done)

Sep 24, 2006 13:40

1. Wedge's greatest love is flying. If there hadn't been a war, he still would have ended up as a pilot. Preferably of something fast and responsive - slow bulky transports just don't do it for him.

2. Despite his reputation for being being cold as a winter night on Hoth at times, Wedge becomes deeply attached to each and every pilot under his command, and it kills him every time one of them dies.

3. Wedge enjoys the prank wars Wes and Hobbie start (and usually finish). Life would just be too boring without them.

4. Wedge doesn't fully trust the Jedi, despite the fact one of his good friends is one, and one of his pilots is another. It galls him that someone who can sense this mythical 'Force' is considered a better fighter than the men and women who manage to protect the New Republic every day but are utterly Force blind.

5. Wedge loves Iella. Full stop.

6. The sight of a bunch of Uglies still makes him tense up a bit, even after all these years.

7. He hates being called old. He's not even thirty-five yet.

8. He still bitterly regrets not being able to stay in the Death Star trench with Luke and Biggs, and partially blames himself for Biggs' death. If he'd been able to stay in, maybe they all would have lived.

9. He enjoys working with Twi'leks. They have a mentality he can understand.

10. Wedge does not like it when people whine at him. He figures if he treats people like adults, they should have the common decency to act like adults. If they're going to act like children, then he'll treat them like children. It only seems fair.

11. He is very, very sensitive on the topic of his family. Especially his sister. And that rat bastard Fel.

12. Wedge adores early mornings.

13. He takes his caf black. Very black. Tar-like black. Fork-will-stand-upright-in-it black. Raise-the-dead black.

14. Wedge hates being a rank higher than Commander, but he knows he's good at what he does, and takes a good deal of pride in that.

15. Though he does like the fact certain Generals can't lord it over him any more.

16. Wedge likes hanging around Han. He's so very Corellian. It's refreshing.

17. When he was younger, he got a ticket for speeding on Corell.

18. He is a little disappointed in the bounty the Empire has put on his head. He thinks it should be higher.

19. As much as he respects Luke, and is friends with him, he thinks Luke is a bit of a spoiled brat. Luke spent only a very little amount of time with his fellow pilots doing the day-to-day fighting, and seemingly gets to spend the rest of his life meditating at rocks or something, and yet Luke is the Hero of the New Republic. And yet only a few pilots remember Piggy, or Dutch. See: His opinion of Jedi.

20. He never takes more than fifteen minutes in the shower.

21. Wedge hates bacta treatment, even though it's saved his life more times than he cares to count. It tastes so foul, and the taste doesn't go away for weeks.

22. He is part of the betting pool on how long it will take Tycho and Winter to officially get hitched.

23. Wedge hates commanding capital ships in battle. Full stop.

24. He adores greasy fried foods. And blisteringly hot foods. Preferably in combination.

25. Wedge hates seeing other people get bacta treatment. It means he failed, somewhere.

26. Wedge is a sneaky rat bastard player of hoverball. And enjoys it entirely too much. And plays by Corellian rules, which means someone is going to walk away with a broken bone or two.

27. He would, if needed, back up each and any of his pilots in a fight or argument, no questions asked, if it is against an outsider. He trusts them that much. Anyone he didn't trust that much wouldn't be in his squadrons.

28. Yes, iced cooling fluid does run through his veins, why do you ask?

29. Wedge knew about the Crystal Destroyer prank. And laughed himself sick about it once he got back to his bunk.

30. He actually has no shame. He just likes to pretend he does, so he can surprise people from time to time.

31. Wedge would gladly vape Baron Fel. In a heartbeat. But only if he said where he stashed Syal first.

32. Wedge could never work with normal people. It'd be too boring.

33. Briefs.

34. He both looks forward to and fears the day he's going to retire.

35. Wedge thought Corran and Mirax dancing around each other in the first few months they knew each other was funny as hell.

36. Legs. No really.

37. Deep in his X-wing's storage bay, there's a small locked box. In that box is a stuffed bantha. It was one of the few things saved from his parents' fueling station. It goes everywhere with him.

38. He really doesn't deal well with extremes in cold, and much prefers warm-weather climates. Yavin IV was lovely.

39. Wedge sometimes gets depressed when he sees all the kill markings on his X-wing.

40. Another reason Wedge doesn't particularly like the Jedi: What Kyp did to Qui, and how Kyp got almost no punishment for it. Wedge probably only would have been happy if Kyp had gotten his cowardly arse court-martialed and was blasted to hell.

41. The one sure-fire way to completely fail to impress Wedge is to be a smart-ass within five minutes of meeting him. Only people he knows well get to be smart-asses. Mostly because then he feels he can be a smart-ass back.

42. Wedge isn't particularly comfortable around animals. They just aren't a big part of his experience.

43. He doesn't particularly have a sweet tooth.

44. The only suitable drink in the 'verse is Whyren's. Lum comes in a very, very distant second.

45. Wedge once had a crush on Leia. But then both Luke and Han were after her, and he decided that game was too rich for his blood.

46. He's also a rat bastard sabaac player.

47. His favorite color is Rogue Red.

48. He also thought the time the Rogues redid all of the sim end-mission settings on the Y-wing simulators was funny as hell, and had the hardest time keeping a straight face while reprimanding them.

49. If he listened to Earth music, he'd totally be a classic rock fan.

50. Even when he was with Qui, Wedge still had a thing for Iella.

51. Wedge can speak Corellian, but only does so very infrequently, and usually when he doesn't care to have anyone else understand him.

52. He really hates events focused on him. He can't slip away if everyone's looking in his direction. Thus the invention of the patented Antilles prepackaged speech, so he can get the worst of it out of the way in a hurry, and get people on to other things.

53. The other reason he was fond of the Yavin IV base is the stones making the walls of the women's locker and shower rooms had a few cracks in the mortar.

54. Yes, he has nightmares. Bad ones. Usually revolving around pilots that have died under his command. When they don't involve a certain refueling station.

55. Innie.

56. He has all of his sister's tapes stashed away somewhere. He just never watches them. But he has them.

57. Top. Bunk, of course. What did you think he meant? :D

58. He would gladly burn his official dress uniform if he a)thought he could get away with it and b) knew it wouldn't be replaced, in its entirety, by the next morning by some overzealous droid.

59. If he wasn't an X-wing pilot, he'd probably be in A-wings. Y's are too slow, and B's are just weird. They fly pretty. But they're mindbending to fly.

60. He'd rather see a comedy than a drama. Life has enough drama.

61. He once had a pet fish. It was the ugliest fish in the galaxy. It also died within a week.

62. He never buys or accumulates many of the knick-knacks and bits of furniture in his supposedly 'permanent' quarters like other people do because he never feels like it really is permanent. In the back of his mind, he always expects it to all be gone one day.

63. Wedge does, actually, have a tattoo. A simple black and white line drawing of the Rogues original squadron patch, down low at the base of his spine. Yes, he was very drunk that night.

64. Wedge does not smoke. Wedge has never smoked. See, he's still got a few vices left to explore.

65. Wedge is, actually, very much a sucker for a happy ending. He actually likes mushy romance movies. Shhh.

66. His favorite smell is ryshcate, made right, fresh from the oven.

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