I Don't Get No Respect I Tell Ya Ch IX (Part II, Ch ii)

Feb 01, 2007 21:28

Our Humble Narrator has been through quite a bit! He was slept with; he beat up a cellmate, and was blamed for that man’s death. He’s had another one of his important dreams, and he’s been admitted into the rehabilitation program. His cellmates managed to work together to get him blamed for the murder, though they all took part in it. After the murder, Alex dreams he is playing lead bassoon in a large orchestra directed by a combination of JF Handel and Ludwig Van Beethoven.
They say that prison teaches you hard lessons, or lessons that harden you, either way, Alex seems to be getting taught more than he is teaching. Here, he is no longer the judge; he is the student, being taught to become a soldier. Here is where he would be hardened into an unsalvageable soul, but apparently he’s going to get out. I hope that Alex is learning not to trust people. That seems to be one of Burgess’s main themes: don’t trust anyone. It seems like everyone who he’s known has betrayed him in one fashion or another. The kid hasn’t figured it out though… dolt.
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