In an effort to blog more?

May 18, 2006 17:03

ok, so I think that the best way to feel productive this summer is perhaps to keep record of my happenings. so you can read them if you want. This way I can look back and say "look at all the cool shit I did summer of 06" and feel like a winner.

So yesterday I went to work and did the usual potting up plants and laying down bricks (it was very muddy/clay-y so this was a challenge) and then I left and drove to Milwaukee. Therein I hitched a ride with Sarah down to chicago and we saw My Morning Jacket and Pearl Jam at the United Center. It was cool because I had never been to the Bull's stadium before. I really liked My Morning Jacket's instrumentals, although I think the vocals leave some to be desired. Overall, their mixing of rock with a bit of jazz and some funk was very enjoyable. Then Pearl Jam played, which was freakin awesome. I really thought they had a nice set, although I wish I would have listened to the new cd more because I couldn't sing along. But Sarah knew all the words and was jumping and dancing, as was I and this pretty cool guy a seat in front of us. We were on the floor, which is nice, because Sarah's a 10 Club member, so she gets priority tickets. Very sweet considering the size of the United Center and how I don't think the people on the third balcony got that much of a show. I had to stand next to two drunk old guys who didn't know the words and seemed quite out of place, but apparently had to be in the 10 club (otherwise they wouldn't be sitting there). They bought us water for $3.50 a glass (A favor I didn't return, they were drunk and old)and then proceeded to take up all our room, so Sarah was pushed over the tape line where the chair rows end and kept getting yelled at to dance inside the line. I think we got some really kick ass pictures though, so that is quality. I will admit to standing on my chair at one point to get good pictures.
After the concert, Sarah and I drove around Chicago trying to find our way back onto I94, which we eventually managed. Then we dorve back to MKE, and I fell asleep on her couch.
This morning, I got up at around 11, waited for Sarah to get up, and eventually woke Sarah up to say goodbye. Then I went and had lunch and conversation with Becky at the Gasthaus (mmm french fries)which was cool because I hadn't seen her face to face in a good 7 months. So we hung out for a while until she had to go to work, then I drove back to Madison. Went 64 mph the whole way to conserve gas, at the expense of my reputation as a fast driver.
Took a shower, called the Insurance man (who is an idiot) and used "unethical" and "commisioner of insurance" to get him to not drop me from my policy. We'll see how that works out. Other than that... might go se Faith Hill and Tim McGraw tonight for free because Kiley has cool friends that back out on her last minute. I mean that in the best way possible, too. Such is the summer life and times of me.
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