Apr 07, 2005 08:59
So my birthday is slowly approaching and i am getting very excited. Why you may ask? well number one i love birthdays and secondly cause i ahve great friends who love me and wanna make it special for me.... i am not gonns go into deatail about what EVERYONE is doing as if for some freak reason this is being read by a specific someone i don't wanna ruin anything.
But Sat it looks like Shar is gonna take me shopping to get my b-day present.... yes i go with her and pick it out and then out to dinner. Should be fun but it won;t be just me and her. not that i would mind that but TIM IS GOING TO BE DOWN!! Yep that's right Mr. McCormick is going to be coming down to spend my birthday weekend with me. I think i may drag Jon out with us.... so that when Tim kidnaps Shar i am not left to wander the mall on my own. (tim is gonna kidnap her to go and get my present)
Unfourtuantly because my birthday is right after the end of school Tim will have placement and he will ahve to go back to Belleville on Sunday night.... that would really suck but i told him he had an option... and that taht option would be that i could go back to Belleville with him on Sunday night and come back up here either Tuesday night or Wed Morning. i said "you know if you don't mind the desicion is up to you" he goes "KAREN!!!!! you're asking me if i want you to come visit???" I was like "yes yes i am" he goes "KAREN I ALWAYS WANT YOU TO VISIT!!!!!!!!!!" It was great!
So that seems to be the basic Birthday plans and it should be fun.... and it is 18 more days....yes i know over two weeks and i am still counting down.... but i am so excited i can't help it. I love everyone and thanks for thinking of me so soon before the big day! I am touched by everyone and their thoughtfulness.