Dec 30, 2006 00:56
So i was at work today, trying to get through another long boring day, today i was scrubbing the floors (bloody hate it, but at least it was and hour and a half when i didnt have to talk to anyone at all)
I was letting my mind wander as I do, and what happened, well i started thinking about slash.
It is actually quite incredible that there are so many people into slash and femslash. Unfortunatly though, for every slasher, there are a hundered more people that have no idea what it is, and even more people who would find the whole idea repulsive and would probably want to get it banned from the internet lol.
Slashdome is like an amazing universe that we all live in, where there are no boundries whatsoever, and if you dont like one "ship", you just dont bother to read about it. There is a "ship" for everyone, know matter what your prefrence, and you get to chose the raiting level if your a bit of a prude or you like it raunchy..Its said that i didnt even discover this form of fan fictions until sometimes last year, when deborahlynn introduced me to it. It is so perfect for me, a girl who has developed more of a love for reading in these past couple of years, is crazy about harry potter, and now has a way to read about anything i could ever fantasize about any character i chose.
It truely is amazing that there are so many girls out there (guys too, but mostly girls) who have such a tallent with writing that they can take any average topic that they chose and turn it in to such masterpieces. Of course finding femslash is a million times harder then finding slash, becuase there are way less sites devoted to it, but you can find anything you like in the internet if you just look hard enough right. And tehre isnt just writing, there is art as well, some not so great, but some that is totaly spectacular. Its pretty cool to see just how far people's imaginations can take them.
Of course, anyone that spends enough time with me is well aware that Hermione and Ginny are my favorite HP characters, even though Ginny is not a huge main character like Ginny is, but i still think they are awsome.. Anyone who has actually read the books is fairly certain that Hermione is destined to be with Ron, And Ginny is destined to be with Harry. Thats just the way it will end up, however, i hate that. I want Hermione and Ginny to end up together, and slash makes that possible, because someone took the time to think up a storyline, and suddenly, Hermione/Ginny is alowed to exist, and creat my favorite ship of all time (Minds on fire) if you dont know why that is hte name of there ship then u dont know anything about HP.
So anyhow, as i was saying before, i got Harry Potter Scene it? for christmas.. What could be a better gift right. Im crazy about Harry Potter and trivia, so how could anything be better hten a game that combines 2 of my favorite things together? its totaly brilliant. Next i just need to find the hp board game and I will be set. ^_^
Anyhow, off to read a fic, then watch a movie (so far undecided as to which one,) then it is bed time, cuase i close yet again tomorrow