While I'm at it: Fanworks Update!

Jun 07, 2017 04:26

Also, while I'm at it, for... let's call them various reasons which I am not very proud of I haven't crossposted here any of the (very few) fics I've written since, it seems, Yuletide 2014. But they exist! They are not many, but they exist. So for posterity and whatnot, and in case you want to read them, here they are:

Overtime (Brooklyn Nine-Nine/Sports Night/Hockey RPF crossover, 2300 words, gen, G)
Warnings: none
Summary: Dan and Casey (don't) cover a game that never ends. Well, almost.
Repost of fic originally posted in three parts for
tieleen Purimgifts 2015.

We All Need Somebody To (The Mindy Project, 3700 words, Mindy/Danny, PG-13)
Five times Danny and Mindy swapped patients with each other.
Warnings: none
Summary:Five times Danny and Mindy swapped patients with each other.
Written for ohtempora for Yuletide 2015.

We've Only Just Begun (The Turn of the Story, 1700 words, Luke/Elliot, PG-13)
Warnings: none
Summary:Luke and Elliot take a stroll along the lake.
Written for cmshaw for Yuletide 2016.

Perks of the Trade (Supergirl, 400 words, Kara/James, G)
Warnings: none
Tags: Hamilton references
Summary: Defeating super-villains is cause for celebration and all, but there are MORE IMPORTANT THINGS to get excited about.
Written for
celli for Fandom Stocking 2016.

As Real As (Bandom - P!atD, 8100 words, Brendon/Spencer, PG-13)
Warnings: background homophobia
Tags: high school AU, fake/pretend boyfriend
Summary: "That's right," Spencer tells Brent, pacing the lawn outside Brent's house, "apparently at my high school, having a college boyfriend trumps all."
Or: it's not easy being the only out kid at school, until Spencer finds a way to raise his social status.
Written for Sena for Bandomstuffsit 2012. (No one ever said I was timely.)

Three Marches (MCU, 2700 words, Rebecca Barnes, Steve, Bucky, Peggy, gen, G)
Warnings: none
March 1934 - This is what Rebecca Barnes remembers from the year she turned seven.
March 1960 - It's the 15-year anniversary of the fall of the Valkyrie. The Howling Commandos have a picnic.
March 2017 - Bucky comes home.
Written for noxelementalist for Purimgifts 2017, with art by toxic_hedgehog.

I also contributed to some days i (wish that i wasn't myself) (MCU RPF - Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan, actor/journalist AU, 5300 words, Mature), which began as twitterfic, but was ultimately fully written into actual fic by notcaycepollard.

*wipes brow*
WHY do I continue to resist AO3's share button formatting, WHY

comments on Dreamwidth.

fic: mcu, fic: all, mindy project, fic: other, yuletide, fic: sports night, fic: bandom, brooklyn 99, purimfics, bandom, fic: hockey

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