(no subject)

Feb 23, 2016 12:49

I sent off my passport to the Chinese embassy last week, so we'll see what type of visa they agree to give me, and it looks like I'll be leaving in a month. *inserts a bajillion exclamation marks* *does not actually know how to handle*. I feel like I need to give myself a crash course on Chinese history and culture, and I will attempt to learn... as much as I can in preparation. But I also have so little time before I go, really - four more weeks of trying but probably failing to leave work on time, with one week of vacation in the middle (skiing with dad and sisters) - and in the free time I do have, I want to de-stress and not freak out about leaving? I'm also finally hyped about reading actual books - post Captive Prince, I'm slowly reading through The Song of Achilles and the Nightrunner series - alternating between chapters since I can't decide which of them I actually want to read first - and basically I... want to focus on me and fun and meeting friends before I go, while acknowledging that I should probably actually spend time on preparing to go.

In any case - as of now, I have a flight ticket for exactly a month from now. So, yay/meep.


There is a giant billboard that TAUNTS me every day on my way to work, advertising a new play the Gesher Theater are staging: The King David Report. Gesher Theater are brilliant and so incentive, and this looks like it has the potential to be such a good show for me, and of course it is being performed at exactly the dates I'm away. I hope it will still be playing in a few months when I'm back.

And: Is anyone still watching The Fosters? It's back now, and the Stef/Lena relationship these past few episodes, as they navigate around and after Stef's getting a double mastectomy after a pre-cancerous diagnosis has been stunning, and while I do enjoy most of the Foster/foster kids shenanigans, the Stef/Lena relationship is the wonderful, beating heart of that show. Plus: drama! And Rosie O'Donnell! Basically, I am enjoying the show still :)

Some links to wrap up:

1. Did you know of the existence of this Jesus Christ Superstar performed by the Muppets that someone made? Because it is shockingly perfect.

2. There are a lot of amazing Captive Prince art and meta posts on tumblr, and I so very highly recommend the following (SPOILERS for all 3 books):
-Xyai's CP comics
-kaerb's art/comics, especially the (linked) "Nikandros is a bro" ones

I am basically not reblogging any CP stuff on tumblr because I don't want to inadvertently spoil anyone but lmk if you want me to forward you my favorite bits in a badly formatted linkdump email

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captive prince, china, work, theater, travel, books

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