It's been a beautifully sunny Friday and wonderfully rainy Saturday and multi-rainbowed today, and I am decently caught up on all of my shows; which softens the blow, a little, for the fact that I got home from work today at 11PM.
Here is a fun thing: a person changing her mind about wanting a position in your department, after you've spent an enormous amount of time and energy training them for the job for the past two months; at time while also training another person for a different job, and while doing your own job, and at times while filling in for your boss who was away. Like - it's good that she left now, because better now than in a few months of doing a bad job I guess, if she didn't care and it wasn't good for her, but man, what a stroke of bad luck for the department.
The reason I stayed late wasn't really anything to do with that, but because I finally sent a massive email I'd beet putting off for 2-3 months, so at least that's a giant load off my shoulders. I mean, at least until tomorrow, when I get in the office and see people's responses, but oh well.
I haven't been reblogging Captive Prince things on tumblr because I... don't want to spoil anyone for anything, though I'm pretty sure anyone who might be spoiled has already read the books. And yet. So - some random Captive Prince links:
Captive Prince kink meme on DW! That is a think that is happening :DDD
Combating the King fanart lol
This manip of Laurent - a lot of people have many ideas about what the characters might look like, and while they don't always hit my tastes, this one struck a chord with me. (I also like
this Laurent, though there's something about the expression that feels a little... off.)
I have also been reading some fic, which has been fun; I'm happy that now that the series is over and so many questions are answered, there's also more room for people to write fic with a fuller understanding of the characters.
Also: I have seen someone on tumblr reccing Song of Achilles. Has anyone read it? I had not heard of it, though goodreads has... quite a number of reviews. Any thoughts ("nice" "good" "totally overrated") appreciated.
on Dreamwidth.