Dear Yuletide Author,
First, apologies for not writing any optional details in the sign up itself! I realize this means the info won't be handily available in your inbox and it is annoying and for that I apologize. I, uh, completed my sign up in a blurry haze of tired and did not manage to bring any extra details in.
ANYWAY, that said, In general, I love all of the fandoms I requested and will be happy with any fic you write in any of them, no matter if it's not something I mentioned in specific requests - if I enjoyed the canons, I'll probably enjoy more fic about these characters, the end. Ultimately, I want you to write a story you're happy writing.
1. The Mindy Project (Mindy, Danny)
I marathoned this show over the past month and I am addicted. I love Mindy Kaling, I love Mindy and Danny, and I just want to see more of what happens to them, whether it takes place before or during the first few seasons, before they're together, or now. The only plot I am less fond of is Danny pressuring Mindy to be a stay at home mom (not the idea of her being one! just the pressure), which will probably be resolved in the next few weeks anyway, but uh, other than that, go full speed ahead! (Not that you need to ignore that plotline! Just, if it's incorporated, I'd hope it was with an acknowledgement that he was being a douche.) So really, anything you want to write about them; I loved their friendship, their UST, and their actually getting together on the show, so any of those settings could work. If you are into scifi tropes you could go there as well :-)
2. Florida Panthers RPF (Ekblad, Mitchell)
Hockey RPF's been my main fandom for the past few years, but I never got into Mitchell/Eks until I recently read
that one grantland interview and inlovewithnight's wonderful, wonderful
dig a hole, fill it up. I love their dynamic in the interview AND in the fic and, honestly, in most fics for them I read in this fandom. I am absolutely down for OT3 with Megan Mitchell as well; didn't nominate her because I didn't want to limit the options to just OT3, but if you want to write them as OT3 I support your decision :D If you want help with inspiration, let me know and I can help out with prompts, but honestly, I just want more fic in their tag.
3. Killjoys (Dutch, Johnny)
I watched this show this summer and really enjoyed the dynamics between Dutch, Johnny and D'Av. I would love any fic you want to write about these two, or the three of them; only reason I didn't nominate all three characters is that... I don't even remember, maybe I was worried it would limit options or end up incestuous somehow, which I am not into, but possibly it was just weird logic on my end. Anyway - I would love Dutch-Johnny friendship, Dutch/Johnny, Dutch-Johnny-D'Av friendship, Dutch/Johnny and Dutch/D'Av without jealousy or anyone hating each other; all of those would be awesome! Some kind of hurt-comfort would be cool, especially if it were either Dutch or Johnny who were being taken care of, but you definitely don't have to stick to that if you don't want to. And to be clear, I love D'Av, just... not as a romantic lead, is all.
4. Hamilton - Miranda (Hamilton, Washington)
Like many others, I fell for Hamilton, and I love the portrayal of his intense relationship with Washington; the father/son dynamic, the mentoring, the mutual respect and love. I'd love to read some hurt/comfort (physical, emotional, whatever) about the two of them, whether it be Hamilton or Washington catching the other in a moment of vulnerability. I'm in a weird position about slash with those two because on the one hand, yes please, and on the other, I love both Hamilton/Eliza and Martha Washington. So if you want write slash, please either handwave their existence or treat them with respect; I wouldn't want to read about them cheating on their wives (esp not as a platform for Wash & Ham getting together; if the fic isn't about slash, go ahead and talk about Ham's cheating, god knows LMM did.) Anyway, Wash & Ham <3___<3 basically.
ETA ABOUT HAMILTON: ...just wanted to add that I am still TOTALLY INTO THIS but also I read really good Hamilton/Laurens/Lafayette fic recently and let's just say that if you're also into those dudes - with like, any permutation between them, or Mulligan, I'm also up for that. Like - let's just say, if you offered "all" characters for Hamilton and were crossing your fingers you'd get something you like and then were like, oh crap, she wants and Washington but you were actually hoping for Hamilton/Mulligan! or something - then, you know, go for it :-) /that is all done ETAing now :D
5. Straight Shooter - Heidi Belleau (Austen, Liam/Puck)
Haha oh man, I just want more of them in this universe. Porn not mandatory but more than welcome :D
And in the end, everything I wrote are just suggestions, and I am a very flexible reader who likes a WHOLE LOT OF STUFF so really, I'm just glad to be getting something in any of these fandoms, and I hope you enjoy the process of writing and participating. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to approach me via anonymous comment/the mods. Thank you and have a wonderful yuletide ♥
Dear Yuletide Author - Addendum:
This is just to say that all of the fandoms I requested are great. So if, say, you offered to write one of my requested fandoms in a fit of yuletide insanity as is wont to happen, and now you're like, shit! what have I done! let me take a moment to pimp my other fandoms so you know the full range of your options :D
1. The Mindy Project: is an absolutely adorable 20-minute romcom/sitcom created by Mindy Kaling. I caught up on all 3 seasons in the space of a week, and while I think the show started off a little weakly, if you jump in mid-season-1 you can just watch a couple episodes and see if it works for you. It's seriously super cute.
2. Florida Panthers RPF: seriously, the entirety of the canon you need to know for this pairing exists in the Grantland article linked above. I mean - seriously, look at this:
When Panthers superstar rookie Aaron Ekblad needed a place to crash, team captain Willie Mitchell (and his extremely understanding wife) stepped in. Since then, they’ve shared seemingly everything - a house, a boat, and infectious diseases - except the one thing they want most: the playoffs.
...that is the actual sub-headline, not a blurb on the back of a harlequin novel, although when it comes to sports RPF sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.
****If you are already in this fandom, and specifically if you read the fic I linked above, you should check out Straight Shooter (request #5) because it has a very similar dynamic between, in that case, a college hockey player and a professional dom, and I think you might enjoy it :D If you have trouble getting your hands on it you can let me know anonymously and I may be able to help you out.
3. Killjoys: is a really fun Canadian scifi show about a team of three who, uh, fill assignments in space basically. Dutch is the commander of their tiny little spaceship, Johnny is her BFF and second in command, and D'Av is Johnny's big brother who is ex-military and suffers from PTSD. That is the show in less than a nutshell, but it's got moments of humor along with their plots-of-the-week, and mostly interesting character dynamics and growth, and has only 1 season with 10 episodes so easy to catch up on.
4. Hamilton - Miranda: I feel like everyone on the internet already knows this, but: Lin-Manuel Miranda's new musical Hamilton! Is great. The musical is sung through, so you can
listen to the cast album and essentially understand the entire plot; if you're listening for the first time, best to also read the
lyrics, which are, in that link, thoroughly annotated and really interesting/fun to read through. So... if you have never heard about this/heard about it but had no idea what people were talking about, check it out :-)
5. Straight Shooter: is a BDSM hockey novel about a college hockey player who knows he's into some forms of kink, starts to maybe question his straightness, and turns to professional dom and porn star Liam Whateverhisnameis for help in figuring it out.
here is
marina's more in depth rec for it, but basically: if you are into hockey RPF and porn/BDSM, you might like it! That is all :-)
****If you offered this fandom, and have not read any Florida Panthers RPF fic, you should really check out the fic I linked to above for request #2, because - YOU GUESSED IT - there is a similar dynamic there that you might enjoy.
Okay seriously that is all now HAPPY YULETIDE :D
on Dreamwidth.