Happy holidaaaaaays!

Apr 06, 2015 10:12

I hope everyone had an awesome amazing delightful Pesach! Our Seder was pretty great, I ate roughly 10 kilos of food really who's counting, and I keep meaning to post stuff and not doing it.

But I just saw this and had to share though I assume many of you are familiar with it:

The Daily Show
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(Embed doesn't seem to be working! But here is a link, it's an Easter vs Passover Daily Show clip.)

1. loooool
but 2. leg of a baby lamb? I've only ever known to use chicken! How did lamb get in there?

A day late, happy Easter to anyone celebrating, or meaningful Easter, or however you choose to mark the day. It's funny, there was a convo going around yesterday about how slashable some (New Testament) biblical characters are (lol let's face it, it was Jesus and his boys, I mean, who else is there). I didn't participate in the conversation - I'd read it if it were well done, but New Testament fic is still outside my comfort zone - but it had this feeling of discovery, omg these dudes are slashable, which haha, yes. Bible: still the biggest fandom out there. And so very ficcable.

On that note, It's basically killing me that there are no Jewish characters in hockey. Like - even Bandom had Gabe Saporta! In hockey, I have no easily available go-to Jewish characters I can play around with. There are just under a handful of Jewish players scattered around various teams I don't really care about. There are NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman and the Players' Association's Donald Fehr - thanks, fascinating - and right now, the most openly Jewish (in that he has at least mentioned it) dude out there is Mitch Korn, goalie coach for the Washington Capitals. I can't write about seder shenanigans at the Korn household!

I remain in wait for Josh Ho-Sang to make it to the NHL, whenever that happens. I don't know if I'll still be in hockey, and I don't know if I'll manage to be fannish enough about the Islanders, but it will be a start.)

Okay, let us back to work. Happy holidaaaaaaaaay(s)!

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bible, jewish, holidays, hockey

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