I never posted The Good Wife stuff last week. After - what was it, a month? - of no show, pretty much everyone I know who's recently started watching the show, including my sister and a whole lot of people at work, have caught up with current events. I don't know if this is just a local or also a worldwide thing, but in the past year The Good Wife has become super popular here - maybe it's because the cable companies have started providing the entire run of the show for marathon view, but it's transformed from a show not many have heard of/don't want to watch because of what they think it's about from the title, to an actual appreciated good show, perception wise. It's a show, now, that they make sure to air less than 24 hours after new episodes have aired in the US, already subtitled.
ANYWAY, what this all means is that after work (correction: after the department fun day) last week, all of the girls from the office met up to watch the much awaited new episode. It was fun, and I loved the episode (!!!), and it was wonderful to have all of the characters back on my TV screen.
And then on Friday I was hosting a friend's bachelorette party at my place and we mentioned TGW and one of the invitees was like, "You know, I know someone on that show," in this lovely British accent and I was like "WHAT" and she was like, "Yeah, this guy Matt who used to date my friend at university," and I was just like. "YOU KNOW MATTHEW GOODE."
So yes. He used to date her friend in university; he studied "drama" or something, and was a very nice guy, and used to smoke up in their room, and 'nothing had ever come of him except maybe one movie', they'd thought, until suddenly in the past few years they started to see him in everything.
The TV crush I have on this guy, you don't even know. Like, it's been a while, but oh, it's so much fun to have a TV show where I'm invested enough in a character to just drink in every single moment he appears onscreen, and to have this couple that I just ship so hard, that feels like the show really is going there and will hopefully one day happen and I will basically explode with joy until the show finds a way to ruin it.
In the meantime, I also still find
Matthew Goode and
Carey Price similar enough that my love for each of them fuels the other. Basically YAY FINN and also new episode tonight \o/
on Dreamwidth.