I have to say, arranging this trip has been an absolute logistical nightmare, and I think my hopes were so high from the last time I was here (in 2005) that it was almost impossible not to disappoint after all that, but after three days here, I have so say: Edinburgh during the Fringe Festival has SO lived up to my expectations, oh my god, and all of the logistical drama - including the fact that my flight back has been delayed meaning I will land at 4AM and have to be at work at 9AM - was so, so worth it. This city is beautiful, the fringe theater festival is just one of the funnest places to be, I have watched 16 shows in the past three and a half days, and I am really, really happy that I came <3.
I never managed to reply to any comments from my last post since I had zero time before I left (you will be shocked to learn that I packed all the way to 2AM and left straight for the airport), but thank you for all of your advice, mainly about boots and layers! It hasn't rained much knock on wood, mostly drizzles, but the boots are more comfortable anyway and were a good idea. as were layering up instead of bringing a heavy coat. To be honest, I still don't know how to characterize the weather I'm in - it's now cold enough or dark enough to be winder, if I try to call it summer my brain doesn't believe itself, and calling it autumn-like in August just feels weird - but I guess it's like late autumn, in a way, but slightly colder and slightly warmer all at once, and with daylight all the way to after 9PM (which: !!!).
So that was an entire paragraph about the weather THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME.
I will be back home in 2 days, will summarize the Best Of then.
on Dreamwidth.