Pimping Srugim (again)

Sep 29, 2008 04:50

Okay, so you know the Israeli show I really like about a group of single religious twentysomethings? Well, I know most of you will probably never get a chance to see it unless you can read Hebrew subtitles or will be willing to wait until it's available on DVD and then manage to get your hands on it, which, not likely.

However, I still want to share the love.

I've been catching up on a few episodes, and I just uploaded a clip I really loved from the end of episode 9, and added subtitles in English. (I'm sorry for the quality of subtitles; I didn't want to use the more advanced editing software I have, so the only thing I was able to do was add subtitles smack in the center of the frame, and there are still Hebrew subtitles in the bottom. But it's still fine, I think.)

The clip is two of scenes I liked. The first is cute: it's a Shabbat dinner the friends are having (most in attendance), to which Reut invited two dates. In the scene, the two guys discover she's also dating the other.

A short description of the characters, in case you're interested: Reut is the girl who brought two dates to dinner, through a comedy of errors of sorts that took place during the episode. She's smart and independent and makes more money than everyone at the table, and cute in both looks and spirit. On her right (our left) is Yochai, a very observant and conservative guy, whom she met when she was looking to take torah reading lessons so she could read a haftara (see next scene). He didn't want to take her on, but finally he caved. One episode he kissed her, which is a definite no-no as they're not even supposed to touch; he immediate proposed, she said "Whoa, dude, let's get to know each other first and then decide", and they started dating. They went on their first date, and then she was set up with another guy - Noam, sitting on her left. And that's that about them.

Across the table are Hodaya - the host - and Avri, her secular boyfriend. She only told him she was religious in the previous episode, so this is the first Shabbat he's having over with her, meeting her friends and so forth. She's in a process of getting a little farther away from religion, which is why a) she's even dating a secular guy to begin with, and b) touching him more than is customary.

Amir, sitting at the head of the table, is divorced, which is pretty much the equivalent of a leper in the religious dating world. He's sweet and dreamy and... doesn't say much in this clip.

And those are the characters. The clip starts through the last lingering lines of the previous subject, so a couple of lines might sound random.

The second is an absolutely gorgeous sequence, IMO - it's a montage set to the music of the show's regular score and the voice of Reut singing the Haftara, from Isaiah 66. The haftara is the weekly Torah portion read in synagogue. Since women aren't allowed to sing before men, she's reading it in front of an audience of women. Orthodox women don't usually read haftaras; she's doing it on the date of her father's death's anniversary, in his honor, something a son would normally do. I think both the singing and the editing of this sequence are beautiful, moving from Reut singing to her (girl) friends in the audience, to the boys praying in a different synagogue, to one of the boys who's admitted in a hospital, to her boyfriend, who's the one who very reluctantly taught her how to sing the prayer during the last couple of episodes, peeking almost proudly through the window.

Even if you don't feel like watching the dialogue of the first part (and really, it's just a bit of humor I liked), you can jump to minute 1:58 and watch the second scene.

And I was totally going to forget the link itself, too.

videos, srugim, israeli tv

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