Barak: Olmert can't stay in office.
Oh my fuck, not again.
I was so hoping these guys would last four years. It's easier calculating when the last Mondeal (sorry, World Cup) took place than when the last elections did; I keep having to count the years on my fingers. Rabin was assassinated in '95, then there was Peres for a few months, Bibi for 3
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Comments 11
This was my incoherent way of saying why can't politics be fucking serious. PROBLEMS TO FIX, PEOPLE!
Y'know, I do not think a creature such as an unbiased news source exists. If it does, let me know, so I can have my faith in humanity back.
For a naive idealist, I'm not a lot of comfort, am I.
Oh please yes! and then share it with me because I'm going nuts over here trying to keep up.
Well, no, there's no such thing as an unbiased news source since people who write them are usually biased, and the more they know about a certain subject - the more biased they are. Try to find a bunch of journalists whom you can believe (I suggest Raviv Druker, both on TV and in his blog).
Also, have sent you an invite to roga@livejournal for a new service which can be helpful in finding credible news :)
I have no idea where the @livejournal address even goes to! Can you send me a private message instead, or email the email on my profile page?
Sent another invite to the yahoo addy.
Good luck with that one. I read Ha'aretz, Yney (sometimes NRG and J-MPost) BBC, The Independent and Al Jazeera. But I'm a News junkie.
It really doesn't matter what agreement Olmert attians with whoever seeing as the majority of the Knesset don't see eye to eye with him, I mean, even his coalition is telling him to quit!
Gaidamak, or should I say LEX LUTHOR.
You appealed to comic geek in me.
Am still giggling :D
I subscribed to Haaretz for the first cheap student deal month, but canceled later, because I simply didn't have time to read anything but the front page (and don't get me started on the way Haaretz articles are spread - I want to kill their designer), and I'd just end up recycling a foot-tall pile of unread newspapers every week.
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