(no subject)

May 28, 2008 14:57

Barak: Olmert can't stay in office.

Oh my fuck, not again.

I was so hoping these guys would last four years. It's easier calculating when the last Mondeal (sorry, World Cup) took place than when the last elections did; I keep having to count the years on my fingers. Rabin was assassinated in '95, then there was Peres for a few months, Bibi for 3 years, Barak for another... 2? 3? Sharon for nearly 3, and now Olmert for 2 and counting down.

I admit I haven't been following the investigation against Olmert that closely - scandals that have to do with money and bribes and favor confuse me, and it's especially frustrating when they happened over ten years ago but people wait until the guy is friggin' Prime Minister before bringing it up, which is what happens all the time. So anyway, I haven't been following the investigation closely but I've felt the wind blowing in the direction of Olmert resigning/being called to resign/a Knesset vote of in-confidence in the government, whatever -- all of these leading to another election.

Of course, the way Israel enjoys recycling politicians means that the two people most likely to run for Prime Minister are Bibi and Barak, both ex-Prime Ministers themselves. (And Gaidamak, or should I say LEX LUTHOR. No, I kid; he'll wait a couple more years for the next failed government to fall.)

I also want to say that now is really not the time for the government to fall, because there's been progress (a fraction of an inch of progress, but still) regarding the return of Gilad Shalit from Gaza and the two soldiers from Lebanon, and they've just started having talks with Syria.

But I would only say "now is not the time" if I believed progress was actually being made on any of these fronts, which, not so much. Or at least, I have no way of knowing. In any case, the fact that talks with Syria have begun and the prospect of returning the Golan has been put on the table makes me certain that most of the country will want the government to fall, if only so we don't have to deal with that mess of an issue which most people are against anyway. I think. I really should find a reliable, unbiased news source, if such a creature exists.

Arrgh x 10. The world sucks sometimes. And it would be so much simpler forming political opinions if I had any actual solutions to the mess this country's in. End vent.

israel, politics

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