Survey while drunk...what????

Jan 02, 2006 03:41

1. Last thing that you burned while attempting to cook? It's been a while, but I think it was Laurel's pot when I was making soup....I always undercook shit

2. Describe yourself in 3 " S" words: sassy, saucy, single (haha gayest thing ever)

3. How long does it take you to get ready for your day? 30 min max, 30 sec min

4. Favorite place to blow $50.00? A few rounds of drinks with friend

5. How many people have you thought were " the one"? one....still kind of think I fucked that one up

6. What is something that turns you off from the opposite sex? ummm....everything?? especially the genitalia

7.What is your Mom's middle name? Belinda (Canadians are a strange bunch, a)

8.Whats in your cd-player /Ipod wright now? Right now on the ipod listening to the REnt Sountrack

9. What celebrity would you like to have coffee with? Brad Pitt

10. What celebrity wouldn't you have coffee with? Hugh Grant

11. What kind of toothpaste do you use? Extreme White orange flavored

12. What time do you go to bed? never before 2am

13. Last movie you saw? The family guy movie

14. Last TV show you watched? VH1's Hottest Celebrity Hook-ups

15. Who is your best friend? Robert

16. Who in your family do you best get along with? My mom

17. Who do you have a crush on? Always had a crush on the buff hispanic guy that comes in the bar...I think that's the only "crush"

18. What time is it right now? 3:48am

19. Are you planning a vacation / travel ? I think I'm going to St. Pete in Wednesday

20. When/ where was the last time you traveled? Daytona for x-mas....big trip was L.A. in August

21. How many times have you been in love? once

22. How old will you be in 10 years? 31

23. Where do you see yourself in 10yrs? Law degree....massive debt....beautiful husband

24. Sinful snacking weakness- Nutty Bars

25. Do you like roller coasters? Of course

26. Ever run out of gas? nope

27. Ever been on a train? Just the one at disney

28. Ever been on a blind Date? nope

29. Ever been to Europe? no

30. What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for one day? I'm gonna go w/Herdegut's answer....have sex with lots of straight boys

31. Would you tell anyone it was really you? Maybe a few of them

32. Ever been arrested? Nope

33. Have a crush on anyone you work with? Oh hell no

34. What is something you believe in ? That each person has a specific purpose that they are supposed to fulfull in their lives

35. What is something you fear? Spiders, snakes

36. Big or small? Depends on what you're talking about

37. What is the worst physical or emotional pain you have ever experienced? My entire sickness in Spring 05

38. What is your favorite television show? Countdown with Kieth Olberman

39. Ever photo shopped yourself, to look better in a picture? Put my face on Heath Ledger's body if that counts

40. Tell us something about your childhood? We used to tell my sister that she had a different mom than the boys had...turns out it was a different dad....who knew??

41. What would it cost you to flash the person next to you? I don't think the dog or cat care.

42. Best time to catch you in a good mood? Usually around 8pm

43. If you could be anything for one day what would it be? Sticking with Herdeguts here again...a Bird

44. Most prized possession? my laptop

45. Would you ever sell it? only if I could get all of my shit off of it first

46. What are your pet peeves? People who think they're too cool for school

47. Favorite kind of Ice Cream - Mint Chocolate Chip

48. Coolest thing that happened to you today- Seeing Sarah at work....she's such a fun girl

49. Last time you made out with someone: Months ago

50. Favorite song right now? "One Song Glory" from Rent soundtrack

51. Favorite song of all time? "My Way" - Frank Sinatra
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