And that is really saying something considering this is the same guy who most likely caught Hepatitis C from Pamela Anderson and whose biggest claim to fame is being the "redneck rapper rocker". And not really being good at any of them except being a redneck.
His latest crime against humanity is his latest "hit" song (I really should add an S there), "All Summer Long". I refuse to embed this piece of garbage in my journal so here is the link to the Youtube video. Oh how this song sucks... let me count the ways.
1: It rips off both Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London", and Lynard Skynard's "Sweet Home Alabama". I guess he figured since he can't come up any music of his own that is any good, he would just blatantly steal the music from two far better songs.
2: Okay, so let's forget about the music for a moment (after all Kid Rock did), and look at the lyrics. I mean c'mon since he didn't come up with any music of his own, he should of had plenty of time to come up with really great lyrics...
Did he just try to rhyme the word "things" with the word "things"... he did didn't he? Wow, I don't think that a rapper strung out on crack would try to come up with a lyric that idiotic. Trying to rhyme the same word is just a sign of a moron with no writing skills, imagination, or vocabulary. Hey Kid, next time buy a friggin Thesaurus.
3: Okay, so the music is ripped off and the lyrics were written by 4 year olds... no problem, Kid Rock is known for his energetic vocals and flashy delivery. Um he is singing it like John Tesh... Deadpan delivery with no energy in it at all. I guess trying to come up with that brilliant "things" lyric must have taken it out of him.
4: But that's okay too... nevermind the music, lyrics, or singing, the kids today only care about a kick ass video that has tons of shots of Pam Andersons cleavage and butt. Oh and explosions and fire, and all sorts of cool things happening in it. They probably used the money they saved on music and lyrics to finance an incredible video with the ghosts of Warren Zevon and Lynard Skynard singing alongside him in a cgi visual feast right?
Um he is on a boat... and on a stage... oh and there are some pictures... wow does this video suck.
I love how his comeback is resting on a poorly written, sappy nostalgic song that rips off music from real artists (of course to be fair, he probably figures no one in his fan base is intelligent or old enough to recognize the songs he is stealing from).
Kid Rock... please just go away and stop trying to make music. You are only embarassing yourself.