So here are my fills for the top line! They are all story recommendations with the full recs done as per comm rules under the cuts! (Otherwise my post was going to be massive!)
Technology as the bad guy
Prison BreakAuthor:
liketheriverrun Rating: T
Word Count approx. 15,900
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Team & Friendship
Warnings: Virtual Reality. Non-graphic, canon level torture. The F word. Michael is experimenting as per his canon ethics. Canon minor character death.
Spoilers/Stage Set: Late Season 3
Characters Other Than Rodney: John, Teyla, Ronon, Michael, Siberian & Taliban OCs, Melena, Lorne & Radek.
Summary: When the team becomes trapped in an Ancient prison, it's up to Rodney to bust them out of their individual cells. The problem is, it's all in their minds.
Additional Notes: Author also writes non-Gen.
Quote “I’ll do whatever you want, just, please give them back to me.”
Why Recced: This fic could have filled several squares with it's friendship and sheer team-love goodness! What I adore beyond all reason is Rodney's reactions through this fic. He just comes out with the line quoted above because he can't believe that he could make up three friends as close as family. It is the bonds between them that rescue the team from their Virtual Reality prisons.
I also love that while it is Rodney riding to the rescue, he does it with his unique mix of technical genius, lack of social grace and snark all the way. While not actually noticing his own courage! Both fun and touching.
Drunk or high
All Wound Up And No Place To GoAuthor:
djsosm Rating: PG-13
Genre: Friendship, Team, Humour
Warnings: Swearing, Altered Rodney
Spoilers/Stage Set: Second Half Season 3
Characters Other Than Rodney: John, Teyla, Ronon, Carson, Radek & Infirmary Nurses.
Summary: Something's wrong with Rodney. Or not. He can't decide, but - oh, look, shiny!
Additional Notes: Be advised...I don't know if Author writes non-gen or not!
Why Recced: This is just the right balance of light and serious. John's view of a ranting Rodney being an OK Rodney and Rodney's flitting from one thing to another is very funny. Then the events catch up with Rodney as his body continues to try and write cheques his body can no longer cash.I loved the team's different ways to trying to help Rodney through it, especially Ronon's method!
Soldiering OnAuthor:
pansychubb Rating: T
Word Count 10,847
Genre: Hurt/Comfort & Adventure.
Warnings: Fairly graphic injury.
Spoilers/Stage Set: Season 5
Characters Other Than Rodney: John, Teyla, Ronon, Wraith, Keller, Woolsey, Torren and mention of Lorne
Written for prompt: “Rodney gets (badly?) hurt, but has to work despite his injuries to save the team.”
Additional Notes: Author also has written possible non-gen.
Why Recced: I love the way this story starts as a fairly routine ZPM search type mission and morphs into something quite different. Amongest the serious plot there is still a thread of humour in the team's conversations. John and Ronon's motivational methods are fantastic! I also loved Rodney's moment of realisation and the comparsion of it with other "just knew" moments in his life. The last scene is just the perfect team ending!
Also found at
Soldiering On on FanFiction.Net
Oz Never Did Give Nothing To The Tin ManAuthor:
pixie_on_acid Rating: PG-13
Word Count approx. 8,700
Genre: Character Study, Friendship & Drama
Warnings: Alcohol consumption (brief), brief reference to Elizabeth being an attractive woman!
Spoilers/Stage Set: Post Trinity to end Season 3.
Characters Other Than Rodney: John, OCs, Sam Carter, mentions of Radek and the influence of Elizabeth
Summary: No author summary.
Additional Notes: Content of author's other works...unknown. They do however currently have the F word in their latest journal entry!
Why Recced: This Earth based story has a slightly different perspective than most on John and Rodney. It starts as an "Earth leave" story but it becomes rapidly apparent that there is a lot more going on than John realised. This extends to not just why Rodney is there but to various truths about Rodney as a person, his emotional armour and about the world of Academia that he comes from.
There is also how John and Rodney have been changed by exposure to each other, to say nothing of the influence of Elizabeth on both of them.
This is an emotionally mature, sharply written character study and includes an incredibly memorable, engaging and thought-provoking OC.
Plus I will admit to just find the idea of Rodney going to watch moronic presentations with popcorn in hand hilarious!
Unexpectedly LuckyAuthor:
EllexRating: T
Word Count approx. 4,229
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Team & Drama
Spoilers/Stage Set: Season 1
Characters Other Than Rodney: John, Teyla, Ford, Carson and mentions of Radek, Elizabeth and Rodney's cat!
Summary: It started with a tickle in the back of his throat.
Additional Notes: Author also writes non-Gen.
Why Recced: Poor Rodney gets struck down by a completely unexpected allergic reaction but it is his assumptions on what everyone else's reactions will be that make this fic memorable!
Although the source of his reaction is pretty clever too!