The Drowning DeepAuthor: Bounty /Alasse Faelivrin
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 14427
Genre: Angst, H/C (sort of), Friendship
Characters other than Rodney: Ronon, John, Teyla, Elizabeth, Carson
Warnings: Nightmares/Memories and near-drowning
Summary: Ronon and McKay are sent to the mainland to recuperate. Tag to 'Sateda'.
Why Rec'd: Good characterisations and although the fic is focussed on Ronon, there is plenty of Rodney too. It's a great look at their friendship, with Ronon angst, moments of humour and plenty of Rodney irritation thrown in! Oh, and Jinto is great in this fic too!
Excerpt: As they watched, the ship came into full view. It glided low over the village, wobbled, grazed the top of a tree, and then finally set down in the clearing. The villagers cautiously approached the landed ship as the back ramp swung open and down.
Jinto heard Ronon's voice as the ramp touched the ground. "Smooth, McKay." There was more than a trace of amusement in the large warrior's voice.
"Shut up," was the eloquent reply following him as Ronon limped down the ramp.
Notes: Also available on
Fanfiction Dot Net here. Author also writes ship.