and here comes 2008!

Jan 01, 2008 15:24

Happy New Year's or something...

Anyways, I got about 5 more days in Northern Virginia, 7 more days until my 22nd birthday, and 19 more days until we invade Mason's art gallery.

I'll be soooooo happy to get away from Alexandria. Each time I come back, I grow to hate this place a little more. The traffic, congestion, the pure setup of the area, it being so spread out with the same shit at every corner you turn, it's faceless, people here are pretentious dicks, there's no contemporary art here, and though I love my parents to death, I can stand depending on them or living with them. I needs to get the fuck out of this joint.

At least I have Harrisonburg as an escape. Though I only got this last semester before I'm finished for good. I got grad school to look forward to, but I don't know what to expect with that. I have a feeling I'm gonna end up like Paul, going to grad school, and then hanging out with the undergrad students, hehehe.

My birf'day is next Tuesday. Hopefully I can drag a few people to the bar to celebrate or something. After last year (drinking whiskey by myself while watching reruns of South Park,) I need something better to remember this day.

Uggggh... I'll be 22 years old. I saw a commercial yesterday on AMC advertising the "15th anniversary" of the release of Jurassic Park. Nothing yet has made me realize the passage of time like that commercial. That movie came out 15 fucking years ago? My god, I am fucking old.

Worst yet, I went to the barber the other day, and my gray hair problem is slowly getting worst. The men on my mother's side of the family carry the gene that turns your hair gray really early in life. All my uncles went gray during their 30's, and I'm on that path. The plethora of gray hairs running down my skull at the barber was a worrysome sight. Oh well.

The point of it all is, I'm beginning to feel like that joke, the guy living n his parents basement who hasn't accomplished anything. The fact that I'm even thinking this way has led me to this resolution...

I will not be in DC next New Year's, and I will not be typing in this journal from this fucking basement! I'm not saying this might happen, I'm saying this will happen! After this summer, I'm finished here. That is all.
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