Comprehension (Bones & New Amsterdam drabble)

Mar 12, 2008 20:35

Title: Comprehension.

Fandom: New Amsterdam & Bones
Characters: Booth, Amsterdam
Author: Keenir.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Seasons 1-2 of Bones; eps 1.01-1.03 of New Amsterdam.
Word Count: 128

Summary: And Amsterdam thought *he* had problems?

Author’s note: this was inspired by Featherjean’s icons.


The case had brought them up here. Now that it was solved, a nearby bar had been suggested by the cop who’d helped them.

The discussion had strayed to matters of love - thankfully, Brennan was in the Ladies Room right now - and Booth sighed, muttering something to which Det. Amsterdam replied with, “I think - I like to think, at least - that there’s no language we can’t learn. And to learn it for the sake of a beautiful woman, is even better.”

Booth looked deeply into his glass. “Trust me, there isn’t a tougher nut to crack than this language.”

“Oh?” Amsterdam asked, up for a challenge. “Name it. I might know a few words, and that could help.”

Booth shrugged. “Somehow, you don’t look like you speak Squint.”
The End

crossover, bones, new amsterdam, drabble

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