Life ficlet: "Driving Miss Dani" PG (part of the Prank War)

Mar 05, 2008 02:19

Title: Driving Miss Dani.
Fandom: Life.
Author: Keenir.
Rating: PG…until Dani kills him. (which she doesn’t - not in this ficlet)

Warning: continues the prank war started in I know apples. if you want to take part in the Prank War, please do.
Spoilers: season 1.

Summary: Dani thought she was safe. But appearantly not even not letting Crews drive isn’t enough to keep her safe.
Score: Dani - 1. Crews - 2.

It had been three days. Three days since the potato incident.

Since then, Detective Crews had been unnaturally quiet. Not a ‘thoughtful quiet’ or a ‘about to say something zen’ quiet. Just quiet.

His only words were to the victims and the witnesses, saying just enough to get them talking. Striking efficiency. Wasted not one drop of sound.

Not a trace of zen. Dani knew this - she’d checked.

What’ve I done? she wondered. He asked me to help him learn Farsi. I did, and I guess my way - and my comments about his zen - pushed too far.

I pushed him too far. Pushed him away. She tried not to think about how she felt about that.

Put it in a mental shoebox and buried it in her mind with a yardful of other stuff.

‘Not everyone drops the other shoe, Dani.’ Her mother’d told her that.

Appearantly, Crews was one of those people. Since when? Reese wondered.


He'd spoken.

Dani jerked her head to the side, staring at him. Her hands moved likewise, taking the car in a large and abrupt swerve.

There is a providence, some say, that guards idiots and small children... Also protecting people named Reese. Thankfully, there were no injuries that day, on them or on bystanders or in other cars.

Dani pulled her car in to the nearest driveway and glared at him, half expecting him to say so-innocently ‘what?’
The End
Cameron suggested the line about Reese. ;)

prank war, life, life fanfiction

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