Life ficlet: "I know apples"

Mar 01, 2008 18:30

Title: “I know apples”
Author: Keenir
Character(s): Dani Reese, Charlie Crews.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.

Summary: Dani tries teaching Charlie some Farsi.
Score: Crews - 0, Dani - 1

Dedicated to:
.-Leo Caesius, who provided the kernel of this ficlet.
.-Grimorie, who keeps asking for a prank war, and for Crews to learn Farsi.

Dani had shown up to work early, which made Davis concerned, but didn’t get questioned on why she was here at this hour.

She pulled from her jacket pocket something she’d bought on the way in this morning at the market, and laid it on Crews’ desk.

When he came in, Dani was hard at work doing the paperwork tied to the case they had solved yesterday. “There’s a potato on my desk,” Crews said, more surprised than confused, though more confused than anything else.

“No there’s not,” Dani said, not looking up.

“Yes there is,” he said, sitting down, picking the potato up in one hand, looking it over. “Definitely a potato.”

“It’s an apple.”

“No, I know what apples feel like.”

“Crews…” and nearly said ‘trust me.’ “It’s an apple.”

He bit into it. “Yep, definitely a potato.”

Dani rolled her eyes and trudged her mind back to the paperwork. Potato, or apple of the earth, in Farsi.
The End

prank war, farsi, life, life fanfiction

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