not sure if it's a's definately about Being Human

Mar 01, 2008 00:22

Well, one good thing comes from letting my muses talk to my other muses...even if I don't write the crossovers, I learn stuff about the characters (or at least about these versions thereof).

For example...Being Human's George...

Song most likely to make him blush during the song's entire duration - "Little Red Riding Hood" (that'll be the last time he lets Amita pick the radio station)

What would you never eat? - "Eels. They're not kosher, and appearantly, as a wolf, I'm allergic." (Claudia Brown's still apologizing for that one)

Person you miss the most - "Millie, who made me a werewolf." (I'm still amazed Annie extracted that from him)

Person you're afraid to fall in love with - "Annie. She'd go nuts!"

Person you'd most like to, question - "Mr. Jackman. He'd be a good chap to talk with over a drink."

Who scares you the most? - "Helen Cutter and Victoria Nelson. Mitchell says I have issues."

being human, meme

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