Endangered species....and then there's LIFE

Feb 29, 2008 02:14

Charlie and Dani, the last ones on Earth. run away while you can!

I was struck by an idea, along the lines of "there's only one man and one woman left in the universe, and it falls to them to repopulate the species."
(yeah, cliched, I know)

but, comedy of errors that it was fast becoming in my thoughts, I couldn't even extract a drabble out of it. the reason?

Which one of them would be the one willing to give repopulation a chance, and which one would advise surrendering to the inevitable? Charlie "we're all connected" Crews, or Dani the cynic Reese?

...and that line of thought reminded me why Doctor Who's starting to bother me in the Rose years (and again with rumors of upcoming plot arcs) -- the Doctor is the last of his kind, and even if he produces some half-Timelord progeny with a bipedal ape or a talking squid, what is there for his child when the kid matures?

...and that segued over to the true story of the Dusky Seaside Sparrow, a species so endangered that, at one point, only eight males remained. only two options remained to conservationists:
a) let the eight die in good health and safe.
b) hybridize the eight with females of a related Seaside Sparrow species - even though the offspring would be just as doomed as their fathers (Duskies were specialized, I think) without any Government protection.

ps: why do plot bunnies overwhelmingly attack me when I'm trying to go to sleep?

speculation, musing, life, plot bunnies, doctor who, meta

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