"As dawn comes" (part of a Numb3rs/Sarah Connor Chronicles crossover series)

Feb 07, 2008 18:12

Title: As dawn comes.
Series: Cold Numbers.
Prompt: #132: Witness.
NUMB3RS / Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles crossover.
Pairing/Characters: Cromartie, Don, Colby.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The investigation begins. (two hours before ‘at the kitchen table’)
Word Count: 254.
Spoilers: Sarah Connor Chronicles 1.01-3, Numb3rs 1.01 & 4.01-13.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters endemic to either series.


“So, you say you saw who started the fire, Mr. Cromartie?” Don Eppes asked his dad’s and brother’s rescuer.

“I did. Sarah Connor.”

“She a friend of yours, an acquaintance?”

“We have met on several occasions. I am familiar with her capabilities.”

“And those capabilities include setting houses on fire?”

Cromartie just looked at him, a cold and lifeless stare. “We should be confirming the safety of Amita Ramanujan.”

Charlie mentioned this guy’s Amita fixation. “We’re already looking into it.”

“I should assist.”

Don put on a smile of false sincerity. “Thanks, but we can manage.”

Action: Trail
Status: Unchanged

“Very well,” Cromartie said, turned, and left.

“Well,” Don said as Colby came by, “that was weird.”

“Weirder than we’ve got?” Colby asked as Cromartie headed into the blackness of the street, away from the coming dawn.

“That depends.”

“First, we’re not finding any fingerprints that don’t belong to you, your dad, or your brother - not even where that guy supposedly picked them up by. And if that’s not enough, there’s the little matter of just how the fire got started.” You’re not gonna believe me - hell, I almost don’t believe it. “Our arsonist uprooted your gas tank and threw it at your heater.

“Not unplugged or unscrewed or anything - just pulled it up like it was a week-old carrot.”

“So this Sarah Connor person’s the Hulk?” Don asked, rolling his eyes at what his brother’d landed in.

“No,” Colby said, and then added, “that was Bruce Banner. David Banner in the tv series.”
To Be Continued

crossover, sarah connor chronicles, ship, numb3rs, fanfic: drabble, fic, amita, numb3rs fanfiction, het, sarah connor chronicles fanfiction, fanfic, fanfiction

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