"Rescued at night" (part of a Sarah Connor/Numb3rs crossover series)

Feb 07, 2008 18:11

Title: Rescued at night.
Series: Cold numbers.
Pairing/Characters: Charlie, his dad, a machine.
Prompt: #064: Smoke.
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Charlie’s pulled from a burning building - his own.
Word Count: 201.
Spoilers: Sarah Connor Chronicles 1.01-3, Numb3rs 1.01 & 4.01-13.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters endemic to either series.


He lifted Charlie Eppes with no more difficulty than a sumo wrestler would face in holding a napkin aloft. ERROR his eyes told him. It was no difficulty for him to pay no heed to the smoke filling the room. ERROR as he searched the remainder of the room, even the closets - why did humans love to hide in those things, anyway?

Charlie’s coughing caught his attention, and he brought Charlie out of the house, setting the man down alongside the man’s father.

Walking away from the house and yard, text occupied the lower corners of his field of vision:

Subject: Error.
Action: Locate.
Status: Mission Unchanged.

“Wait!” Charlie said, getting up and going over to him as fast as his body would let him - not at all more than a walk right now.

He froze in place. Waiting.

“Thank - you,” words flecked by heavy coughs.

He said nothing. These were things humans said. Value: low to none.

“How can I repay you?”

Opportunity. He turned, facing Charlie with his most human-friendly expression. “Where is Amita Ramanujan?”

“I’m glad she’s not here.”

I am not. Glad.

An idea occurred to him: incite concern. “We should locate her,” he suggested to Charlie.
To Be Continued

I need to figure out if this one’s Cromartie, or another one.

sarah connor chronicles, ship, numb3rs, fanfic: drabble, fic, amita, numb3rs fanfiction, sarah connor chronicles fanfiction, fanfic, fanfiction

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