Lester, Lacey, and Ryan.
Author: Keenir.
Dedicated to: Fififolle.
Who wished for: A little something where Lester is a wizard like Harry, and tries to see if he can close an anomaly?
(let me know if you'd like me to try again; no problem)
Fandoms: Primeval, The Dresden Files.
Disclaimer: I own none of them. Except for Lacey. (co-created with Reggietate)
Characters: James Lester/Tanya Lacey, Ryan; Creatures.
Rating: PG-13.
(sorry - my Lacey muse insisted - said it explained her survival better than the alternative would)
James Lester shot a bolt of a spell at the Anomaly, and the bolt bounced off, narrowly missing Tanya Lacey. "Oi!" she exclaimed at him, falling on her ass instead of falling into one of the soldiercrocs for a few seconds of mastery and lethal abandonment (for the croc, not for her).
"Sorry," James told her sincerely)
"Do you know, I think she actually enjoys those sparks of adrenaline you give her at times like that," Ryan said by his side, having a ball with the shooting-down-dead of as many soldiercrocs as he could.
If indeed she has adrenaline. I know that she can certainly act like she does. "One must never refuse a lady," Lester said.
This day had begun as an outing for the three of them, officially just checking the site for a new ARC facility, and unofficially having a well-deserved day off. Even more off-the-books than that, was inspecting a location for a meeting of VIPs from Britain, Ireland, and America - White Council, mostly; but a smattering of highest-ups of the Skinwalkers and the varied 'elven' Courts. Possibly even Harry Dresden and the Archive herself.
Then the Anomaly had opened.
This latest Anomaly was a connection to some point in the future. And based on what was streaming out of it, it was a time following the crocodilian mastery of eusocial society, not unlike molerats and army ants.
Lacey had run out of bullets and knives an hour ago, and had spent the time since then using every trick in her skinwalker arsenal. Lester knew she loved him because of what she hadn't ever done: tried to kill him.
She had been on loan to M, as a favor from James to an old friend, but an unfortunate development on that mission had terminated the loan. Tanya hadn't minded - it was easier to empty one's skin when it was more of clothing than neccessity.
I suppose its all a matter of taste - Harry can't stand skinwalkers, but he is exceedingly friendly with vampires; while I am passionately the opposite.
"Running out of bullets here, sir," Ryan said, just in case it was going unnoticed. That little modification you did to my rifle gave me a few extra rounds for every bullet I load, but I never have unlimited ammo.
"Noted," Lester said, taking aim at the Anomaly, and framing a different spell in his mind. He launched it from one hand like a cricket ball at the Anomaly -
And some foolbrained Creature stuck its massive skull through right before the spell would have struck the Anomaly. The massive Queen of the futurecrocs suffered an abrupt shrinkage of her skull from 'bigger than Monty' to 'smaller than a thimble' in a second.
"Closed. Intestinally blockaged. Are we too picky, James?" Tanya asked him in between her popping in and out of the soldiercrocs.
"Not at all, my dear," Lester said. "I'm not done yet," igniting a pair of small soldiercrocs which had tried to sneak up behind him and Ryan.
"Whenever you're ready," Ryan said, a 'thank you' in his voice.
"Naturally," Lester said, re-forming that spell, adding a magnetic component to it, and hurling it two-handed like he had thrown cricket balls when he was a small boy.
The cast spell struck the Anomaly, ringing it like a bell - bowling over everything living and otherwise within the combat radius. Clean-up of the remaining soldiercrocs was easy after that.
"I still say you were showing off," Ryan said with a grin.
"And I am steadfastly holding to my position that I had no idea it would do that," Lester said.
"Well its definately weird," Tanya said, "but I like it," and breathed into Lester's ear a suggestion for later.
Positioned in front of the three of them, was the collapsed Anomaly...
...in the shape of a snowflake.
The End?