"Presentation" (Sherlock Holmes & Highlander)

Dec 29, 2011 02:00

Prompt: (Griffndor) Crossover of Methos and Sherlock Homes - Money can't buy you friends, but it can get you a better class of enemies.

Title: Presentation.
Author: Keenir.
Summary: Methos and Ceirdwyn have captured the modern John Watson and Sherlock Holmes.
(references to past Holmes)
Spoilers: Take Back The Night.

"You really shouldn't have," Methos said as the two of them looked at the two men strung up vertically with wrists above their heads.

"Happy Birthday," Ceirdwyn said. A few years back, had this pair done what they did recently, I wouldn't have left them breathing. That was back when she was on the warpath, before MacLeod the Younger had helped her work it out of her system.

"Thank you. Though - Roman-style bindings?"

"Am I not permitted a pique of irony?"

"Of course," Methos said. "I was simply curious."

"As am I," one of their captives said. Moriarty's bomb exploded in the room with the pool, and John and I wake up here - well, no idea how long John will be out, or at least asleep.

Switching to British English, Ceirdwyn said, "Doesn't matter."

"On the contrary, it matters quite a lot."

"No, not really," Methos told him. Neither you nor your brother know about Watchers or Immortals, even with his personal aide being one of us. "Now talk."

"Gladly. Now to begin with, given that you were speaking in a dialect of Aramaic which is presently spoken in only one village in the East -"

The other man groaned and shook his head.

"Oh good, John, you're awake. I was just explaining to our captors that -"

"Name?" Methos said, deliberately interupting. I know what pseudnym you're using, but that means less than nothing.

"Sherlock Holmes," he introduced himself as.

"Naturally," Methos said. I knew Sherlock Holmes, and you sir, are no Sherlock Holmes. "And why have you been meddling in my financials?"

"I was bored." No cases caught my interest on that day. "I found it of interest that several of your accounts go back to the founding of those banks, and have withdrawls made to many men of various names."

"You find it odd that I inherited a bank account from my ancestors?" Methos asked. "Or do you find it odd that the men in my family don't all have the same name?" 'Sherlock.' Eighth of that name.

"And if you're trying to untie your bindings, don't bother," Ceirdwyn said.

"It's only a Roman knot," Sherlock said.

Not the sort used to amuse children, you fool. The sort used in crucifixion. Looking from one to the other, Ceirdwyn said, "We'll talk to your friend. Pray he speaks highly of you," as she walked over and untied John.

"Crap," Watson muttered under his breath before she approached him.

What Methos thought to himself was, A pity my Horsemen Brothers aren't here...even if I told them not to touch these two, I've no doubt they would get everything out of this pair. Still, Ceirdwyn's picked up some good interrogation techniques over the centuries...the hard way.


As they walked down the walk to Mrs. Hudson's, Sherlock rubbed his sore wrists and asked once again, "How did you sway them?"

Watson smiled. "You wouldn't believe me."

The End

sherlock holmes, methos, crossover, john watson, sherlock fanfiction, sherlock, sherlock holmes fanfiction, highlander fanfiction, watson, ceirdwyn

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