Warehouse 13 finale two-parter

Oct 04, 2011 01:53

Remember, at the end of last season, when they said they were going to punish H.G.Wells for basically trying to destroy the world?

I never thought the Regents would turn her into a schoolteacher. 0.o

"H.G.Wells is a cat person?" -Pete.

There's an Eye Of Horus in Hong Kong's street system?


Well, that's certainly an...interesting lock.

Baltimore P.D., home to Special Agent DiNozzo and Detective Diamond.

Cool, a metronome!

Helena smelled apples just before the blitzkrieg started. That's gotta be signifigant.

Um, since when does the combined force of the German Luftwaffe look like a mushroom cloud?

I remember Mrs. Frederick telling Claudia that she'd be the next person to (mind?) the Warehouse. I suppose Claudia will live as long as Warehouse 14 does.

C'mon, Artie, use the pocketwatch to rewind time to give you enough time to rig up an auto-mini-bubble so H.G. can be safe with the three of you!

glad to see we're going to have another season of Warehouse 13 (ish) in 2012.

in the immortal words of H.G.Wells, "God damn you all, I told you so!" ;)

err, you know what I mean.

warehouse 13, episode, h.g., episode reviews, h.g.wells, reviews

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