A question about drafts

Sep 23, 2011 00:14

This may be second nature or a beginners-level question, but it concerns a subject I've never really dealt with before:

first and second drafts.

question: When you write, do you feel obligated to keep anything from the earlier drafts in the later drafts or the finished-and-off-to-the-betas version of a fic? Is it a bad idea to only have one or fewer paragraphs from earlier drafts?

And...Are the earlier drafts a waste of time?

My heartfelt thanks to anyone who answers this.

EDIT: my reason for asking is for this latest ficathon assignment, I've lost count how many drafts I've written...and yet I'm not sure the latest version is any better than the one I started off with.

I suppose, deep down, what I'm also asking is how do you know?

drafts, question, writing, help, meta

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