season pilot of Castle...

Sep 20, 2011 01:20

...regarding the new episode of Castle...

* On one hand, the psychologist may be a red herring, someone we're led to believe (this early on) to be part of The Conspiracy.

...if he is, then maybe Beckett's making a deal with him - give me the guy, and I'll let you walk - or bluffing him...or something.

* one of these days, Castle's going to call in a favor, and someone's going to get hurt. (we may have seen foreshadowing of it, with the new Captain warning Castle in her office)

* oh Castle, if you thought Beckett was mad at you in years past, wait til she finds out you're trying to lead her down the wrong path. ("who's side are you on?" will be hte politest thing she throws at him)

* I thought Alexis was supposed to be in England for school. why's she in a gown during the episode?

I'll watch & review the new season pilot of Hawaii Five-0 when I have time to vent. tomorrow, maybe. (I just hope they address the fact that McGarrett had absolutely no problem with getting the Governor to get rid of problems for him - even when it was the FBI at the door)

castle, episode review

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