meme: tv shows they should have made: "Neutral"

Aug 28, 2011 01:41


many of you may remember this meme went along the lines of
1. Comment to this post with "I surrender!" and I'll assign you the basis of some tv show idea. (Science fiction show, medical drama, criminal procedure, etc...)
2. Create a cast of characters, including the actors who'd play them
3. Add in any actor photos, character bios and show synopsis that you want.
4. Post to your own journal.

(i also accept prompts for what I should make my next TVSTNW)

I call this tv series
Aya Sumika, as Jane Pleasant.
Alimi Ballard, as Ken Grant.
Randall Duk Kim, as Kim Bae.

Guest appearances:
Naoko Mori, as Morita Naoko.
Dichen Lachman, as Alice Sands.
Honeysuckle Weeks, as Lisa Cantor.

Inspired by: What if Hitler had won WW2?, this series explores one possible outcome of World War Two - a World War which the Nazis most definately did not win.

Each episode opens with Jane's voice-over narration and an event or brief series of clips from this other timeline's WW2 or post-War history, followed by the episode, which has a connection to those events.

Under the Treaty's appendix's provisos, while each signatory nation is obligated to handle threats to themselves and their fellow signatories within their own territory, a special team was created to deal with cases which cross their borders. (and thus members tend to be drawn from ATF, ICE, and Indian Affairs - archaeology has always been big business)...that is the team Jane is now a part of. (for more, see the Notes).

The team has three headquarters in the Pacific, all on islands: Midway, in the Hawaiian Islands (USA); Nidan, in the Caroline Islands (Japan); Mangaia, in the Cook Islands (British Empire).

Unaired Pilot: Over Here. Jane's character is established for the viewer, and she finds herself in the Neutral timeline. (later aired after the tv movie)
The aired Pilot: Tis No Miracle. Nazi planes leave no survivors at Dunkirk for the British to save, and Jane stumbles upon a war criminal.
For a rainy day. President Roosevelt and Emperor Hirohito sign a non-agression treaty, and Ken, Bae, and Jane must convince a conspiracy theorist to release hostages. (Ken mentions "the rebuilding of New York" as one of the bigger projects that came after Hitler's sub-launched rockets attacked the US)
Give it to me. Photos and newspaper clippings from America's and Japan's civil rights' movments, leaving an emotional minefield for Jane to navigate as the New Year approaches.
Hold It. The non-agression treaty nearly collapses into war, and Jane must help her colleagues Ken and Bae keep two groups from sparking a bloodbath.
TV Movie & Finale: A Line in the Trees. Post-War arguments over whose sphere of influence Vietnam and Thailand are in, and Jane investigates the murder of an Australian girl.

Jane Pleasant

"So all we have to do is keep the peace between three superpowers?"
"You make it sound so simple."
-Jane, Naoko.

Jane was diligently working for the ATF one day, and wandering around Midway the next. Some disorientation was to be expected.

A dog person, she's a little lonely during the series (no dogs permitted on such remote islands), but she adapts well.

When asked if she thinks she's unconcious and dreaming all this, Jane remarks, "No, I've seen Life on Mars."

Ken Grant

"You mean you didn't have a black Vice-President in the 80s?"
"Nope. I'm going to guess you had Vice-President King?"
-Ken, Jane.

For the vast majority of his life and career, Ken has played by the rules - sometimes by the spirit and sometimes by the letter - never deviating even slightly from them. You may credit having to deal with Jane, or dating Lisa; but either way, by the end of the movie, Ken does what needs to be done.

He doesn't dream of what offices he might one day work out of - he's glad to have a job, and is honored to be working where he is.

One of the few people in his life that Ken would lie for, is Lisa. And he knows more than a few people know it.

Kim Bae

"I used to have your job."
"Do you want it back?"
-Morita, Kim.

Kim joined the team during the Cold War, a time when the British and Japanese had a freer hand in the Pacific thanks to the American attention being elsewhere. He also knows where most of the political bodies are buried, making it nearly impossible for anyone to threaten or fire him.

He's easygoing most of the time, and becomes a good friend of Jane's. Though he's doubtful of how well Ken's relationship will fare.

When asked for advice by a student, he says, "You don't get the good postings by being hot-headed."

Morita Naoko

"We will not have any problems."
"No ma'am."
"Did you hear me ask a question?"
-Naoko, Jane.

In an addendum to the Treaty, while oversight of the team is shared by all signatory superpowers, they all take turns having a man on the ground in immediate command of the team. This year is Japan's turn; next year, the British Empire's. That is why Officer Morita is here.

Happily married to the Japanese ambassador stationed in Australia, Naoko doesn't object to being the target of harmless flirtation by others.

She feels America's finest invention was the crossword puzzle, and can be seen filling them out in her spare time.

Alice Sands

"They sent me out here when my engagement ended."
"I'm sorry. ...who were you engaged to?"
"His Imperial Highness Prince Malcolm."
-Alice, Jane.

A resident of Australia, Jane moved to England during Prince Malcolm's courtship of her. And when Malcolm broke it off, the King sent Alice away (believing it was her fault), in the hopes she would learn the importance of statecraft.

While Alice holds personal appearance in high regard, she isn't at the level we might call a "fashionista" in our timeline - in theirs, perhaps.

One of her most prized possessions was a gift from a childhood friend - a dinosaur bone that fossilization had turned into an opal.

Lisa Cantor

"Where were you before this? If you don't mind, I mean."
"Not a bit. I was a stenographer for the Solicitor-General."
"And now you're here."
-Jane, Lisa.

A solicitor licensed to work in the British Empire, Lisa is in the middle of obtaining her Equivilency Papers, which would enable her to practice law in the territories of America or Japan

Lisa often steps out with Ken on dates, and adores him immensely. That said, her concern for his ability to do his job, may mean she has to leave him - and that eats at her. Other than that, she's a very happy, smiling person.

* "President King" is an old AH cliche, based on who popular (AH) culture thinks would be elected in any timeline with earlier civil rights.
* The opal fossilization is true - though I think it was a marine reptile, not a dinosaur.
* One of the Appendixes of the Treaty lays out minimum acceptible treatment for subject & 2nd-class peoples of the signatories...African-Americans, Koreans and Chinese, Native Australians, etc...and whenever one signatory improves the situation for their own minorities (willingly or grudgingly), they use the Appendix to get the other two signatories to do likewise.

naming disclaimer: I got the name "Bae" from where it says the name means "Inspiration."
...and "Morita" from where it says the name means "Forest Rice Field."

pod, ah, meme tv shows that should be, meme tv shows they should have made, meme

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