Leverage ficlet: "Parker, Parker, Parker, (and Maggie)"

Jul 13, 2011 04:03

Fandom: Leverage.
spoilers: s1, and "the 15 minutes job".

title: "Parker, Parker, Parker, (and Maggie)"
summary: Maggie sits through a team argument. and then sees Parker with OJ.
rating: PG-13.
Characters: Parker, Maggie, Eliot, Nate, Hardison.

"Now Maggie, what you'll do is you'll walk up to the mark and engage him in conversation. Basically distract him long enough for Hardison and Eliot to check his office," Nate said.

Maggie nodded. This still felt a little unreal to her, but she had agreed to help out, just this once...so.

Parker leaned over to Maggie, who mentally prepared herself for another sniffing of her hair. "That's what Sophie normally does," Parker whispered.

"Oh," Maggie whispered back. In her normal voice, Maggie asked, "Nate?"

"...and that's where - Yes?" Nate asked, switching from the plan to answering her.

"Why can't Parker talk to him?" Maggie asked, seeing, out the corner of her eye, Eliot shaking his head, and Hardison looking rather torn.

"Maggie -" Nate started to say.

"We want the guy arrested for what he's done," Eliot said. "Not on the floor, bleeding like Caesar."

"Oh come on," Parker said. "That was the once. Besides, you don't yell at Eliot for beating people up."

"Parker," Nate said, "if Eliot punches somebody in public, its because it was part of the plan."

"Usually," Eliot said.

"Sometimes," Hardison said.

"Watch it, Hardison. I know where your computer sleeps."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

"Oooh, can I watch?" Parker asked.

"And that's the other reason," Nate told Maggie. "Aside a short attention span and aside from a fairly throaty 'squee', Parker just doesn't have much to capture a mark's attention and hold it."

"Ex-cuse you?" Hardison interupted. "I happen to think she's perfect."

"Get a room," Eliot muttered.

"Gladly. And as Nate's landlord, I can throw everyone here out of the room."

"Can I take the window this time?" Parker asked.

"What? Why would -?"

"And you'll hurt your back throwing Nate."

"He'll hurt more than his back if he tries throwing me," Eliot muttered.

Unsure how much longer this could go on without bloodshed - and unsure how often this happened - "Show of hands," Maggie said. "Who here is an adult?"

Every hand went up.

"Who here is a child?"

Everyone on the team pointed to someone else. But nobody pointed to Maggie.

"I'm glad -" Maggie started to say.

and then she woke up

Maggie opened her eyes.

And found herself looking right into Parker's. Maggie was lying in bed alone. Parker was...

"Here you go," Parker said, handing Maggie a glass of orange juice.

Something about the way the younger woman was holding the glass, just didn't seem right to Maggie's mind. She glanced furatively around herself, then asked, "Parker?" Maggie asked.


"Why are you on my ceiling?"


"Of course," Maggie said, unsure what else she could say to that.

The End

note: what I couldn't fit in, but want to share, is this:
While he was speaking to him, Hardison was mouthing "No, no, no!" and waving his hands to convince Nate that he is NOT the person to tell Parker that -

Parker turned to look at Hardison, who was sitting there, looking calm with his mouth closed and hands at his sides.

leverage fanfiction, humor, leverage, maggie, hardison, eliot, parker, nate

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