Primeval gift: "Connor Temple saves the day!"

Oct 27, 2010 16:27

Species: Human, Homo sapiens; Meganeuropsis permiana; Masiakasaurus knopfleri; Army Bat, Protodave bivouacensis.
Disclaimer: I own none of the canon characters. The one’s I’ve created, though, I’ll let you use.

Warning: leave your logic at the door. ;)

Title: Connor Temple saves the day.
Author: Keenir.
Beta: Fredbassett.
Pairing/Characters: Connor Temple, Sarah Page, Jenny Lewis, Abby Maitland, and a surprise returning character.
Mention made of Cutter, Stephen, Leek.
Rating/Category: Mature (chemistry)
Spoilers: s2 finale (with a slight twist)

For: Textualdeviance.
Prompt: Something with Connor as a top, perhaps. Any pairing. (Sex isn’t necessary. I was mostly just thinking of something with Connor in control or taking charge)
I hope this is close enough….if not, just let me know; its not a problem for me to try again.

When had Connor first begun to suspect he had been lured into a trap? About when he noticed a corgi-sized bat waddling towards him here in a half-lit room in an incomplete apartment block; it would have been half-lit squalor if the floor hadn’t looked so tidy.

“No,” Connor said to the futurebat. “Shoo.” It lacked the manly, muscular arms and the stiletto teeth of the Future Predator. Ancestor? Descendant? Second cousin twice removed?

The batlet didn’t shoo. It came closer, with glossy wing membranes stretching from elbows to hips. It opened its mouth wide, but only a mewl erupted.

“Stay back,” Connor told it. “I mean it.”

It mewled again.

This time, something mewled back - a lot.

Connor looked up. Clinging to the eaves and nooks and patchily-plastered spots on the ceiling were scores more of the batlets, all of them hand in hand in hand in foot in hand… “A bivouac,” Connor said. Just like army ants who’ve settle down for the night: using their bodies all linked up together to shelter their young from the elements like rain and gravity.

Connor knew that it wouldn’t matter what his proficiency with a gun was - because no gun would have enough bullets to take all the batlets down.

“My kingdom for a lightsaber,” Connor muttered to himself as he started to back away, painfully aware of the limited reach of lightsabers…but one would have been better than the nothing he actually had.

If there had only been one batlet, Connor thought to himself as he inched out, trying to watch the bivouac, the ground batlet, and make sure he didn’t back up into anything else, then it might’ve been relatively fun - toying with my nerve, not with my heart, and not risking my life. If there had been nobody and nothing else here, it could be just another prank. But this…!

“CONNOR!” he heard Abby scream, nowhere in sight, her voice ricocheting through open doors and off the walls.

“We’re in here!” Jenny called out, sounding like she was being held with Abby.

“Look out for the bats!” Sarah added. Connor guessed that they weren’t being held very far away, as the ventilation shafts didn’t look in good enough condition to conduct sound that well.

“Thank you,” Connor said to himself. Who did all this? Connor wondered. One of Leek’s lackeys come to seek revenge?

As the chiropteran bivouac disassembled into a carpet flowing down the wall, Connor couldn’t help but notice a bucket standing nearby, a bucket with ‘WARNING: Transglutaminase!’ written boldly across it in marker. It also said ‘Warning! Do Not Touch Contents!’ equally boldly across it.

Observing that the floor sloped in a V gave Connor an idea. He picked up the bucket without putting his fingers inside, and waited until the batlets had all arrived on the floor and were approaching him. When they began to reach the middle of the room, the deepest part of the V Connor splashed the contents onto the…

Well, they were batlets, Connor thought, his eyes wide at what was before him now: a living-ish mass. That’s what’s in chicken nuggets and boneless ham?

He tossed the bucket onto them, and looked for where his friends were being held.

Just outside the room, he found a megaphone with fresh batteries in it. In case I didn’t want to use the chemicals?

It didn’t add up in his mind, until Connor considered that this might be an intelligence test - something to prove him a worthy adversary. Definitely not Leek’s handiwork, then, Connor thought. He did everything all at once. That’s why we all survived. Well, all of us but Leek. “Hello?” Connor asked.

“In here!” Sarah answered.

Connor breathed a sigh of relief. Her voice sounded like it was coming from one of the doors on this side of the protein puddle in front of him.

When he crossed into that closer room, Connor became aware of a sharp whine in the air overhead. Looking up, he recognized what Creature was staying around the ceiling here; and looking at his feet, he saw a small pile of intact equipment that looked to have been left for his use.

Connor picked up the cricket bat, turning it over in his hands. The flat side of the bat had been painted with a reflective white paint.

“Meganeuropsis, cricket bat, torch, duct tape,” Connor said. And a striating whistle answered him. Connor looked across this room, and saw a long-toothed theropod watching him - not approaching, just eyeballing him. Maybe a metre long, he estimated. “Masiakasaurus. Great,” Connor muttered. But it gave him an idea.

Connor taped the handle of the torch to the bat so the torchlight would shine at the bat. “Instant lightsaber,” Connor said with a grin as he turned it on and looked up.

The Meganeuropsis was diving at him, mouthparts open and claws angled to snag on his face.

Connor slapped it aside, hearing more than one thing break on the extinct insect.

The whistle repeated faster this time.

Connor turned off his torch, and let the hungry Masiakasaurus tuck into the giant flier.

Only one door left, and it was open a crack. As he approached it, Connor remembered something from his days before he had got caught up in the excitement of anomalies…the idea of mental tests, of how-would-you-solve-this, and talks of old movies. Could it be?

Connor walked through the final open door and shut it behind him, and only then did he permit himself to see who was behind this. “Duncan?” Connor asked. I was right. My best friend’s an evil overlord?

Duncan nodded. “Sorry about the army bats - Leek didn’t mention they were in that anomaly too.”

“Leek?” Connor repeated, one eye noticing that the ladies were each tied so they could stand up - ankle bound to ankle, wrist to wrist; not ankle to wrist like in bad dungeon movies - and were dressed normally: no Princess Leia or Fremen suits. “Leek’s dead.”

“Well he wasn’t when he asked if I wanted to help him with something. Then he changed his mind and hired someone by the name of Caroline. Couldn’t lock me out of the program though, even if he tried.”

Connor smiled at the thought of Leek being outwitted and never realising it. Then Connor sobered up and said, “You have to let my friends go.”

“I was going to, just before you came in…but they’ll hit me.”

“Imagine that,” Abby said.

Clearly thinking fast, Sarah said, “If I stay here for the climactic battle, will you let Jenny and Abby go?”

“No hitting,” Connor told them.

“Agreed,” Jenny said.

Duncan untied Jenny’s hands while Connor untied Abby’s.

“See you back at the ARC?” Jenny asked. I don’t know who will find this the most unbelievable - Lester, Cutter, or Stephen, Jenny thought to herself.

Connor nodded.

Once those two had gone, Connor asked Sarah how she was. “I’m fine, Connor,” Sarah said.

“Okay,” Connor said.

She gets you, Connor, Duncan thought. Don’t let her slip through your fingers. “Like the old days, kind of, sorta,” Duncan said. “Now, should we have a climactic battle mano a mano, or should we find something to unite against?”

“We can do that?” Connor asked.

Duncan nodded, pulling something out of his pocket. “Leek said this opens anomalies, and he asked me to see if I couldn’t get it working.”

And you did, Connor thought to himself, looking at the Anomaly Opener. This is… “Join me,” Connor said, well aware that his best Vader voice was more Greebo than Anakin. “Together, we shall be unstoppable.”

This made Sarah resolve to call up one of her fellow geeks from Uni after this was over.

Duncan considered Connor’s offer, and said, “Okay.” Very unlike Luke.

Yes! cried Connor’s brain. Outwardly, he was smiling while he and Duncan untied Sarah.

“My hero!” Sarah exclaimed, throwing her arms around Connor both in character and because she actually fancied him.

The End

sarah page, crack!fic, connor temple, primeval fanfiction, primeval, primeval characters, connor, gift

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