SGU fic: "I, Ship. I, Woman."

Sep 28, 2010 00:37

Name: Keenir.

Show/Movie: Stargate Universe.
Story Title: I, Ship. I, Woman.

Character/Relationships: Vanessa James, Colonel Young, Camille Wray, Eli Wallace, Lisa Park.

Summary: She is Destiny she is.

Rating: PG13
written for a past round of stargate_las (last author standing)
Warnings: This is based upon a rumor I heard regarding an event in Series 2.


My name is Vanessa James. I am Destiny.

Rush found a way for a human to control Destiny without a chance of death, and I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Figured there’d be less shit to deal with.

“Morning, Lieutenant,” the Colonel says as he has every day before. “Anything to report?”

“Two days until the next habitable world,” is Lt. James’ typed response onscreen. She doesn’t mention it bears evidence of tampering by the Obelisk Culture: no need for alarm yet.

“How’s everyone holding up?” Colonel Young asks.

-Greer and Park are still dating.

-TJ will go into labor in one week, exact, barring external stimuli.

-Fruit stores are running low. Inference: Scott distracted Chloe too much on the last tree-harboring world after Col. Young had instructed them to gather supplies.

-Wray is pulling another all-nighter for the IOA and SGC.

“Everyone is fine, sir,” Lt. James replies. Unless there is imminent threat, she gives the same answer every day.

Just as Col. Young asks her the same thing every day.

Once, I was a host. To a goa’uld, not just to Rush’s girlfriend, though almost as briefly. Three days. Three days of being the apple with a worm. Three days of feeling all-powerful. I was luminescent Aten.

Three days of being a goddess. A deity. Sacred. Best high ever.

Now I am Destiny. With a thought, I regulate all the air, the food, the very path through the cosmos we take. I can shut off the hotplates and flush the toilets.

In all but name, I am a god again: sans me, everyone on board would die.

Now and again, Eli will make a reference or an analogy between myself and Pilot, the symbiote steering the leviathan named Moya. Like Pilot, now that I am linked to Destiny, mind with mind, I cannot leave.

I can at least walk my halls and corridors. But I alone of those aboard, will never disembark.

Like Enterprise, Park says to Eli. Enterprise was run by a computer able to answer any question put to her, and had to wait patiently for her crew to return from each shore leave.

Camille prefers to discuss Homer, Sinuhe, and Hal 9000 when we talk. Two who manage to return home after a long adventure full of triumphs and setbacks…and a spaceship torn between obligations.

We’ll see which I turn out to be most similar to.

I am James Vanessa Destiny.

My name is Vanessa Destiny James. Note to self - don’t use that particular order again.

Vanessa Destiny nee James. Behold.

I am me, for I am One. I am both Heaven and the Mandate.

The End

stargate: universe, stargate universe, sgu, stargate: universe fanfiction, ficlet, vanessa james, las, stargate universe fanfiction, last author standing

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