the following is my hunch regarding the finale of Warehouse 13 tonight:
now, for the episode last week, the previews said "a member of the team will die."
I know Valda's a Warehoue employee...but a member of the team?
That's why I suspect that that was actually referring to this week's episode.
Either Artie or HG will die.
my money's on Artie being behind what Claudia and Mrs. Frederick uncovered...it all points to HG a little too neatly. (for one thing, where is HG supposedly getting all this money? for another, she was just cleared by the guy who gives Valda and Mrs. Frederick their marching ordrs - he never checked her activities? and then there's Artie's statements that he wants HG ruined)
now that doesn't mean Artie will be the one to die. maybe HG will. (which will turn me off the show yet again)