Hawaii 5-0: "the Haole says..."

Sep 21, 2010 01:54

crossposted to Hawaii_5_0_fic.

Name: Keenir.
Series: Hawaii 5-0 {2010}
Title: the Haole says...
Characters: Danny, Kono, Chin-Ho, McGarrett.
Summary: Danny asks to learn Hawaiian.
Rating: PG
Warnings: any and all misuse and misunderstanding of Hawaiian and other languages, is my own fault; please be gentle in pointing it out.

Reference: Bastard Tongues: a trailblazing linguist finds clues to our common humanity in the world's lowliest languages by Derek Bickerton.

It was on their second day in the new office, though technically their third day as a team, that Danny sat down, handed a soda to the others, and said, "Okay."

"What were you guys talking about without me?" Kono asked her cousin and McGarrett.

"Took the words right out of my mouth," McGarrett said.

"Can you repeat the question?" Chin asked Danny.

"I've been thinking it over," Danny said. "And since I'm going to be moving in here -"

"Not in this office, you're not," McGarrett said. "What happened to your apartment?"

"My apartment's fine, thank you very much. No, I'm going to stay here in Hawaii. So I figure I should learn the language while I'm here."

"Cool," Kono said.

Chin and McGarrett looked at one another, nodded, then looked back at Danny. "Repeat after me," Chin said.

Danny nodded. "Okay."

"Do you want fries with that?" Chin enunciated.

"Funny," Danny said. "Real laugh riot. I mean I want to learn Hawaiian. More than just poi and luau," he added quickly before anyone could rib him with that next.

"Oh we'll teach you."

"Why does this not sound like a good idea?" Danny asked, glaring at McGarrett.

"It won't hurt," Kono said.

Chin coughed before Danny could think of anything to say to that.

"Fine," Danny said. "I was going to just ask if you could suggest some classes or teachers, but if you're sure you don't mind."

In what Danny assumed was Hawaiian, Chin muttered something as he waved one hand. "Not a problem," he said next.

"Just don't call be - don't use that other name, and we'll get along fine."

"What other name?" Kono asked.

"Danno," said McGarrett.

"Are you doing this delib- You're doing this deliberately, aren't you?" Danny said. "I ask you not to say that name, I tell you not to say that name."

"Who's the name for?" Chin asked.

"His daughter," McGarrett said.

"Ah," Kono said, as though that answered a question she had been wondering all along.

"What?" Danny asked. "A man's allowed to have kids."

"As our aunties happily remind Chin every chance they get," Kono said.

"Relax," Chin said to Danny.

"Oh I'm relaxed. I just don't like sticking out like a sore thumb if I can help it. And I figure this'll mean I'm not a..." and looked through the reciepts and notes he carried. "A hay olé?"

Kono, Chin, and McGarrett looked at one another a moment. "I think it was Spanish," McGarrett said.

"A haole," Kono corrected politely. "A foreigner. Used to just mean a White."

"But by the time we finish, you'll be speaking Hawaiian like a native," Chin said.

"Thanks," Danny said.

Before Danny could say more, McGarrett assured him, "It'll be mostly painless."

Still talking to Chin, Danny said, "Fair warning, though - it's been a long time since I tried learning another language. Hopefully I can clear out the cobwebs in my brain so -" stopping when he saw McGarrett and Chin smiling. "What?"

"Here's your first lesson," Kono supplied helpfully. "In Creole, to cobweb is a verb."

The End?

*blinks* the Aunties are invading my brain, it seems. :)

hawaii 5-0, mcgarrett, kono, hawaiian, chin-ho, hawaii, chin-ho kelly, hawaiian creole, danno, hawaii 5-0 fanfiction, danny

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