a Primevalathon fic for Blktauna: "Dispute"

Apr 25, 2010 02:07

Title: Dispute.

(prequel to Reasons (working title))
Author: Keenir.
Universe: Tremayne
Beta: Babnol.
Pairing/Characters: Nick Cutter, James Lester; mention of Mary Tremayne, Connor Temple, Tom Ryan, Tanya Lacey, and Ditzy.

Rating/Category: Mature because of brief innuendo.
Spoilers: 2.01
Summary: Nick doesn’t want Mary on his team - Lester does.

For: blktauna.
Prompt: Lester and Cutter bitching at each other. They are so delightful at it I don't care what they are sniping about as long as they go at it.

Notes: Timeline 1 - series 1. Timeline 2 - series 2 & 3. Timeline 3…
Notes 2: This is both to shift gears so I can better finish my ficathon assignments, and also to streamline one of the assignments (and to help clarify some of the past)

Quotes: ‘History used to be simpler back when there wasn’t so much of it.’ --book ‘Polaris’ by Jack McDevitt.

PROLOGUE: Timeline One & Timeline Two:

Era: The Late Miocene:

Doggish and wagging, the outliers of the pack sniffed at the remains of the footprints in the Devonian-era sandstone.

A Pristichampsus print.


Timeline Two:

Era: Present Day:

Location: The ARC:

“No,” Cutter said.

“I fail to see just what possible objection you have to the young Lieutenant,” Lester said, seated relaxedly behind his desk.

“I don’t have anything against her,” Cutter said. “I just don’t think she’s right for my team.”

“And there you go again with that ‘my team’ nonsense.”

“It is my team.”

“I’ll spare you the questions over when was the last time you paid for petrol, Cutter,” Lester said. “And I want you to be honest this time - why do you not like Lt. Tremayne?”

“Look, I said it before and I’ll say it again,” Nick Cutter said, placing his hands on Lester’s desk. “I don’t have a problem with her. She’s just not a member of my team - the team, however you want to call us, she’s not a part of it.”

Lester deliberately said nothing about the hands - knew Cutter would be waiting for him to say something along the lines of ‘a-hem, hands’ or ‘not only do you not pay for petrol, you also don’t pay anyone to remove your fingerprints from my desk.’ “Then why only her, I wonder. You haven’t said a word about Lacey or Ditzy.”

“That’s because they were part of the team. Along with Captain Ryan.”

“The late Captain,” Lester corrected.

“Aye, that we can agree on.”

“Lt. Tremayne was part of Captain Ryan’s unit investigating the anomalies, and I have the paperwork to prove it.”

“And yet you don’t have anything about the existence of Claudia Brown.”

“I trust this is the meat of the issue here,” Lester said. “You are clearly taking your out your frustrations at the nonexistence of a woman, and because of that, you are trying to cost an innocent young woman her job.”


“Of course. She’s never been arrested in her life.”


“Why, what did you think I meant?” Lester asked.

“Nothing. It’s not important,” Cutter said.

“If you fancy her, Cutter, that’s completely different. At least from what I thought you were after.”

“I don’t fancy her.”

“What, then?”

“If you must know, it’s more than a little creepy how she does whatever you say.”

“That’s her job. But you didn’t mean that.”

“Well, no, to be honest.”

“Ah, at last, you stop holding back,” and would have rolled his eyes if he were given to theatrics.

“The way the two of you are so at ease around one another, I have to admit, I thought there was something between the two of you.”

“I’m a friend of her family’s,” Lester said.

“That’s it?” Cutter asked.

“Is that why you don’t want her anywhere near Connor Temple?”


That was more than a little too quick for innocence.

“I just don’t trust her,” Cutter said.

“Why? Because of me, Cutter? Or for some more physical reason?”

“No, none of that. I just have a bad feeling about her.”

“You had the baked beans in the ARC cafeteria again, didn’t you?”

The end of this fic.

series, primeval, primeval fanfiction, mary tremayne, ficathon, primeval character

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